Lord Jesus,
We come to you in this hour and look to you for wisdom, for divine understanding. In every direction we see souls struggling, barely holding on. Use us Jesus as instruments of your peace. Fill our mouth with beautiful words of life that come from your throne. Fill our minds with thoughts of you continuously. We turn our bodies over to you that you might be seen and heard when we speak, when we move. The anointing of your Spirit rest upon each one now in the name of Jesus. Fill us afresh and anew. Rid our bodies of all illness, pain and disease that we would be used of you beyond our capability. Immerse us, baptize us in your love so that thoughts and words of a negative confession have no point of entry for the enemy. Let forgiveness be our confession for every soul that seeks to do us harm. In every deed and action may you be glorified. Deliver us from words of sarcasm, and a controlling spirit that seeks to be recognized and applauded. We look to you for your power and presence to undertake for all those that have need. For family, for friends, for those that doubt you and for those that deny you, have mercy. By faith we extend your grace, your unmerited favor to those around us who say they despise you. For those who have suffered catastrophic loss, fill the void in a miraculous way where you cannot be denied or ignored. All these things we commit to your matchless care, in Jesus mighty and holy name , amen
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