EVER BEEN SO DEEP IN THE PIT thought you’d never get out? I heard a preacher once say there were so many Christians in his family it was like he was born one. Well not me. By the time I was five I was valedictorian of my class in the School of Sin. Got a PhD in sin at 7 and by 12 went professional. Heart so dark all I could think was how to get pleasure, popularity or pity. If it was wrong I wanted to try it. Hated myself cause I was lost. Didn’t even think “found” was an option.
Then one gloomy day, like all the rest, JESUS sucker punched me right in the Soul. He grabbed me by the collar, yanked me out of the miry clay and put me forever on solid rock. Didn’t even know what hope was until then.
By His grace I turned my back on a pit of filth and He gave me joy unspeakable and full of glory. Hallelujah! You been there too? You know what I’m talking about? There might be a few who do. If Jesus did that for you then I’ll bet you sing about Him at the top of your lungs every chance you get. This is one of those songs that comes to me and I can’t be quiet. It tells my story better than I can. Hope you like it too.