Remember when you first came to Jesus and got saved. You were as light as a feather. The burden of your sin was rolled away. You met the lover of your soul. You were overcome with joy. Every day you awoke and you couldn’t wait to talk to Him. You couldn’t wait to read your Bible. You couldn’t wait to fellowship with other believers. So what happened? Basically, the cares of this world, the desires of the flesh and the devil crept back into your life. And now, if you’re honest, you wonder if you’re worse now than you were before you met Jesus.
If you are a Christian and you have struggled relentlessly with worldly desires, then you are probably under attack by the enemy of your soul and the Kingdom of Darkness. This kingdom that has but a short time is cast down and is revealed in Scripture. It includes a chaotic, hegemonic power structure where it’s various members obey orders because they fear punishment, yet they war against each other. Ranked by power and authority, members in particular include:
1) Fallen Archangel Lucifer, a former cherub of light created to worship the Almighty;
2) Fallen Cherubim or 200 Satanic Principalities that do Lucifer’s bidding among the nations;
3) Fallen Seraphim or Evil Powers of Wickedness that enslave billions of souls into world systems;
4) Fallen Angels or Demonic Spirits that take possession of individuals;
5) Fallen Angels or Unclean Spirits that impose infirmity and disease;
6) Fallen Angels or Foul Spirits that impose death;
7) Fallen Nephilim or Familiar Spirits that haunt with generational curses;
These are the most common spirits that plague Christians:
1) A SPIRIT OF LUST often characterized by pornography, fornication, homosexuality, adultery, masturbation, gluttony, and an obsession with sensual pleasure;
2) A SPIRIT OF MURDER often characterized by bitterness, hatred and jealousy,a desire for revenge, an obsession with homicide and/or suicide;
3) A SPIRIT OF IDOL WORSHIP often characterized by greed, selfishness, covetousness, and/or the desire for wealth, power or possessions;
4) A SPIRIT OF ANTI-CHRIST often characterized by pride, arrogance and a belief in one’s own superiority, a desperate need to be worshipped, adored and/or recognized;
5) A SPIRIT OF WITCHCRAFT often characterized by addictions, rituals and secrecy associated with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and/or violent entertainment;
6) A SPIRIT OF LIES often characterized by arguments, a desire to debate, contentions, a desire to be seen as right or a constant desire to correct others;
7) A SPIRIT OF FEAR often characterized by unforgiveness, inferiority, condemnation and/or mental /emotional illness.
Our Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ stands at the door of your heart and calls you to Him. Don’t wait. Don’t walk. Run to Him. He will deliver you and set you free from the Kingdom of Darkness. Repent and tell Him you are sorry for collaborating with the enemy. Call out the name of that spirit that has oppressed you. Rebuke it now in the name of Jesus and command it to leave your life. Remain in prayer looking to Jesus until the filthy thing is gone. Wait upon Him until He comes with a new confidence, a renewed faith that the evil thing has left you. While praising Him in word and song wait upon Him for the confidence knowing that He has brought you His strength to overcome. Jesus did not come to condemn you but, through faith believing in His grace he is now come to set you free.
Be released from the powers of these evil spirits in Jesus name. Satan, take your hands off God’s property now in JESUS name. I said NOW in JESUS name. We give you all the praise and glory Lord Jesus. You alone are worthy of all praise. Thank you Jesus for loving us, for setting us free.