This is a really great question. The standard answer is about “free will” and God not wanting robots and the like. But that really doesn’t satisfy, does it? Because if it’s all about choice then we might conclude that God is evil… creating man with full awareness that most will go to hell, or at the very least, “come short of the glory of God” (Rm.3:23). And that doesn’t quite sound like a loving God, now does it.
But I know Him. I believe the Bible is God’s Word and I know John 3:16, “For God so loved the world…” So what we have here is an apparent contradiction. But thank God, He has made provision for our lack of understanding.
In this case, human reasoning will not “convince the gainsayer” (Titus 1:9). Instead, we need the “Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation” (Eph.1:17). Recall he said “When the Spirit of Truth shall come, …he will lead and guide us into all truth” (Jn.16:13). So the question demands a revealing by the Holy Ghost. And, quite frankly, for the Christian, this question is beyond human reasoning. So what’s the answer?
Jesus revealed the answer to this question in the story of the Prodigal Son (Lk.15:11-32). The son had everything. But he demanded his inheritance, then squandered it in sin and wound up in a pig pen. He then reasoned if he went back to his father, he might be allowed the life of a servant. And, O Hallelujah! The father upon seeing his son return, ran to him, threw his robe around him, placed a ring on his finger and ordered the fattened calf readied for a great feast.
Now the older brother questioned his father’s judgment. He asked, why do all this for him. I never left your side. Why should he get so much celebration? To which the father replied, he once was lost or as good as dead, but now is found.
Great story, right? But how does this relate to the question? Ok. We are the prodigal sons. We were “chosen in him before the foundation of the earth” (Eph.1:4) Look at Romans 8:29, “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate…” Foreknow: that means “I knew you before.” Angels have even questioned why should we be heir to all things, even heir to Christ Himself (Phil.3:9 & Rm.8:17), and even called to be ONE with him – like he prayed in John 17:21 (that they might be one in us)? Because LOVE cannot be understood or comprehended unless it is lost, …truly gone forever, and then suddenly regained by no effort on our part (Eph.2:8 – “For by GRACE are you saved…”).
This is what is called REDEEMED, brought back and bought back by the precious blood of Jesus (Eph.1:7). By his grace we are returned to our original calling, we are returned to glory. Not just like it was in the garden with Adam and Eve, but like it was when we were in Him before the foundation of the earth.
Though it seemed impossible, He paid the price. Like the robe on the prodigal he covers us with his blood. The ring the father gave to the prodigal speaks of our renewed royal standing in the family of God. The slain fattened calf speaks of Christ and Calvary. And yes, the feast is not just a type of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb that we anxiously await, but it even speaks of our reconciled fellowship with Him in the here and now. Re-read the Book of Acts to gain an appreciation of what our current walk with Him can be like.
So we see that Paul’s prayer was Right-on concerning us. “That you might be able to comprehend with all the saints the height, and depth, and breadth of the love of God” (Eph.3:18). A love that is no more beyond understanding, but is actually comprehended. This knowledge, when revealed by the Holy Ghost, will forever change your walk with Him. Why? Verse19, “So that you might be filled with all the fullness of God.”
I pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened to know the hope of your calling and the hope of His calling in you (Eph.1:18). Be blessed in Jesus precious name.