It is truly awesome to witness God’s ability to save, deliver and fill with His Spirit as he prepares for himself a bride without spot or wrinkle. Indeed, this is the hour that He is granting a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of himself, where the eyes of His people are opened to know the hope of their calling (Eph.1:18).
But some say that this calling is simply a direct reference to getting saved. Indeed, there can be no doubt that a deeper experience with Christ begins by knowing the joy of sins forgiven. Still others have perceived the “Call of God” to reference a personal call to the mission field or the reception of ministry gifts such as pastor, evangelist, teacher, etc. But from Scripture it is obvious there is a “Prize for a High Call that is found in Christ Jesus” (Phil.3:14); “Whom he did foreknow… them He also called” (Rom.8:29 & 30). But called for what? In this case Scripture provides an answer: “that they might “be conformed to the image… of the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom.8:29).
But wasn’t that Lucifer’s assertion when he said “I will be like the Most High” (Isa.14:14). How could we ever be like Christ? Hence, I think we’re referring to an obvious mystery, known in Scripture as the Mystery of the Gospel, hid from the ages, that can only be understood by receiving “the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation” (Eph.1:17). Indeed, without this Revelation from the Holy Ghost this understanding is nothing more than mere blasphemy. Instead, Wisdom and Revelation is not merely a revelation that enhances our concept of Christ but “Christ dwelling in our hearts… that we might be able to comprehend… the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, THAT WE MIGHT BE FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD” (Eph.3:, 18 & 19). Did you get that? The author here just suggested that All of the God of the universe is to be found in you and me!
God has also called us to be found in Christ and no longer just with him (Emmanuel). Recall that He didn’t say, to him that overcometh will I grant to sit near me, or next to my throne, but rather… “With me, IN my throne” (Revelation 3:21). What we are talking about here is that our life is so possessed by Christ we are no longer known by our names but known by His name (Revelation 3:12), no longer known as a son of man but known as a Son of God (Revelation 21:7). In fact, according to John 1:12 the power to become a Son is given to as many that believe on His name.
But of course there are those who argue, …Yes, but we are adopted sons and not a Son in the way that Jesus is the Son of God. In one sense this is true. In fact the Spirit enables us to cry, Abba Father signifying that we have been grafted in or adopted “until the adoption… to wit the redemption of our bodies” (Romans 8:23). Or, in other words, until we adopt a new body.
But but make no mistake, we are also “BEING BORN AGAIN of an incorruptible seed” (1 Peter 1:23). That SEED that was just planted in our hearts is the Word of God. But this Word has been planted that it might bring forth fruit in due season. Jesus, who is the Word, is that Fruit. Yes, Jesus is the Fruit of the Spirit. Once again the Word is taking flesh to dwell among us, so that we might be this Temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 3:16). In fact, the same was true of Jesus. Recall that he said, “Destroy This Temple and in Three Days I Will Raise It up Again” (John 2:19).
But why? Wasn’t Christ’s coming sufficient? Why would we need Christ-like-ones or Christians?
Paul declares “WE ARE THE FULLNESS OF HIM THAT FILL WITH ALL AND ALL” (Ephesians 1:23). Just think, you are the completion of Christ. He who has now given His Spirit has come to seek out of body through whom He can express Himself, for He is the head of this body. Now in one sense we read that He is the head of a body as a husband is to a wife (Ephesians 5:23). But he is also soon to be revealed as the head of a body as you and I might be compared to a hand or foot (Colossians 3: and 1 Corinthians 12:27). In fact, the day waits when “HE SHALL COME TO BE GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS” (2 Thessalonians 1:10). In that day We and He shall stand upon the earth as “A PERFECT MAN” (Ephesians 4:13), connected to each other, He being the head, the leader, the Spirit controlling and possessing every member. “Now we see Jesus, (this perfect man)… By whom are all things in bringing MANY SONS INTO GLORY… For both He that sanctify and they who are sanctified are all of ONE” (Hebrews 2:9, 10 & 11).
This same glory is our inheritance according to the prayer Jesus prayed in Gethsemane (John 17:22). Even Isaiah declares “But the Lord shall arise upon thee and His glory shall be seen upon thee (Isaiah 60:1 & 2). Isaiah declares in that day you will “say unto the cities of Judah, Behold Your God” (Isaiah 40:9)!
Think of it… You standing up and saying to the cities of Judah “Behold Your God!” Many can’t comprehend this, but Paul elaborates and provides the explanation: “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). Herein is the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation.
Only those that have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying can receive this Word. Many are deceived and believe this to mean that we say that we will be God or that we aspire to the Godhead. We aspire to nothing. In fact we aspire to be crucified with Christ so that he may be seen in us, for it can only be Christ In You, the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27).”
…For the Lord thy God would say unto you, oh daughter of Jerusalem, I have overshadowed you in the day of adversity, I have brooded upon the face of the deep and then called you out of darkness. I have brought you into light that I may be found within you, for you are with child this day. You travail for your burdens but there is no cure, no healing. For that which you labor for is the deliverance of your soul, that it may be birthed into the full freedom of the walk in my Spirit.
…Fear not because you see no balm in Gilead but rather rejoice for your warfare is accomplished. For yet in a little while, the Lord whom you seek shall come forth out of his Temple. And in that hour that I come forth out of you I shall begin to possess you and capture your love. In that hour I shall burn a desire in your heart to be hidden behind the cross. For you shall no more be like a bride but you shall be to me a Son, that my image might be expressed and known.
…Scoff not as Sarah, who upon hearing that she would deliver a son, laughed. Though she was old, yet she conceived in faith believing. Moreover, she also conceived by the faith of her husband, who upon hearing the promise believed. And so too many mock and say of themselves, surely this is foolishness to believe that we, his bride, could conceive and bring forth Sons; and yet I would say to you that by my faith even the faith that is in the Lord thy God, the faith of your Husband, you shall conceive and bring forth Sons upon the earth; and they shall walk even as I walked for they shall know even and only by my Spirit. They shall be manifested as lightning that shines from the east to the west.
…Arise therefore and shine Oh daughter of Zion for your light is come. Cease from all your laboring and enter into my rest, for surely this is my work just as surely as this is by my faith. Behold thy King cometh unto thee!”
Lord, we come into agreement with your word even now for it is your desire to bruise Satan under our feet. Truly we have heard that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head. Cause us to be fully equipped with the power of your Word. Poor upon this dry and thirsty land the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, that the eyes of your people would be enlightened to know the hope of their calling. No more shall your people sell their birthright for fast food religion.
Forgive us Lord for we your people have used good intentions, great inventions and vain imaginations to further your purposes. These methods are hereby cast down in the name of Jesus that the excellency of the knowledge of Christ our Lord might be exalted. Established within us the word of faith that we might call those things that be not as though they were; that we might see ourselves as You see us. Open up our eyes and ears that we might be aware that we are seated IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST. We curse lies, fear and doubt that cause us to march after man-made religion.
We give you all the praise and glory as you reveal to us your work, your will and your wisdom. These things are committed to you in Jesus Precious Holy Name. Amen.
![May be an image of sky, tree, twilight and nature](