Spiritual Experiences Foretold in Hebrew Feasts 6/2/15


Directing your attention to Exodus 23:17, 34:23 and Deuteronomy 16:2-3, &16 we read that the Lord commands the men of Israel to come before Him three times a year.  The 16th chapter of Deuteronomy is more specific and these three times a year are identified. They include the Feast of Passover or Unleavened, the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles.  According to the Hebrew calendar there were initially a total of seven feasts ordained by God.  An additional two feasts were added later.  These three feasts correlate to essential spiritual experiences in Christ.

First it is generally understood that it was no accident that Jesus was crucified on the feast of Passover.  God was offering up his Lamb once and for all so that this annual practice that was initiated when the Hebrews fled from Egypt would not need to be repeated.  Consequently we view our salvation experience or born again experience as the spiritual fulfillment of Passover initiated centuries before.  That is, the Passover was instituted as a type and shadow of things to come.  The blood of an innocent lamb had to be put on the doorpost and lintels of each household so that the death Angel would pass-over.  Where there was no blood applied the firstborn died.  Likewise, when we come to Christ we accept his shed blood on the cross like the blood that was applied to the vertical door posts and horizontal lintels for the propitiation of our sins.  We leave a cursed kingdom of darkness where God’s judgment and wrath is poured out and we enter into His glorious kingdom of light that carries with it the promise of eternal life.  Passover is a perfect picture of what Christ did for us on Calvary in type and shadow.  Indeed the Christian knows that it was no coincidence that Jesus died on Passover.

Concurrent with the Feast of Passover two other feasts are celebrated in the springtime.  These include the Feast of the Unleavened Bread and the Feast of the Firstfruits (Ex 34:18-20).  Sometimes they are collectively simply called the Passover, and at other times in the Old Testament they are simply referred to the Feast of the Unleavened as in Deuteronomy 16:16.  These, like Passover are also symbolic and instituted as a foreshadowing of events in the life of the believer that have spiritual significance.  As the Hebrews approached the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army was in pursuit, the Hebrews were unable to allow their bread to rise with the yeast or leaven.  They were instructed that they had to eat their bread in haste or “unleavened.”  Jesus said regarding sin, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, cast out therefore the leaven.  This is a type and shadow of the need for repentance – when a person first comes to Christ.  We are brought out of Egypt (spiritually speaking) by the blood of the Lamb and we repent of our sins or cast out the leaven.

Finally, after they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land and the Egyptians were drowned, they celebrated the Feast of Firstfruits.  This is described as such because the Hebrews offered unto God sacrifices including a portion of their first or early harvest.  Even their firstborn were dedicated to God and were thereafter called to a priestly order.  Again this is a perfect type and shadow of the commitment that is made to Christ at the time of salvation.  Recall Paul’s words “that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.”

Following their safe escape and out of the reach of Pharaoh one might naturally think that they would travel directly to the Promised Land.  Instead God directs them in the opposite direction, to the southern region of the Sinai Peninsula, to Mount Sinai.  There Moses receives the 10 Commandments.  Because this occurs 50 days after Passover or on the day after seven weeks it is called the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Pentecost (from the Greek like pentagon: five sided building).  Once again this is perfectly fulfilled in the book of Acts on the Feast of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost was first poured out on the 120 disciples in the upper room.  Recall from Jeremiah 31:33 and II Corinthians 3:3 (paraphrasing) I will no longer write my words on tablets of stone but on your hearts, and again in Isaiah 28:11 “with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.”  Hence, just as it was absolutely necessary that Jesus die on the Feast of Passover, so too was it absolutely necessary that the Holy Ghost be poured out on the Feast of Pentecost.  The first Pentecost described in Exodus was a celebration of the word of God given in a literal or natural way, on tablets of stone.  The book of Acts reveals Pentecost fulfilled where the word of God is delivered spiritually and his disciples utter the very oracles of God by speaking in tongues.  However, take note that when Moses gave the Hebrews the 10 Commandments etched in stone by God’s own finger there was a great falling away.  Indeed a golden calf was erected and worshiped.  The earth opened up and swallowed 3000 who sought to overthrow Moses and his leadership.  So too, we should not be surprised as we enter into this spiritual Pentecost and we witness or are overwhelmed with a great falling away.  Despite this mighty demonstration of God’s power at Pentecost the believer can also testify to the persistence of the carnal mind, which is often evident by the abundant working of the flesh.  Indeed, more than any other feast we struggle with our own behaviors and the behaviors of other believers who have given way to fleshly and carnal desires, and they are often blatantly publicized.  Hence we come to realize that these events associated with apostasy, debauchery and degradation were foretold in type and shadow at Mt Sinai.  Why?  Because just as it was not God’s intention that the Hebrews were to remain in the wilderness, it is also not God’s intention that we remain fixated on the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as God’s goal for our life.  God desires that we move on to the Promised Land.

The next three feasts are celebrated conjointly like the first three feasts, and as a group are known collectively as the harvest feasts (in the fall season) or the Feasts of the Ingathering.  In Numbers 11 we read that God instructs Moses to construct trumpets made of silver of which much could be said regarding their spiritual significance.  For example, silver which tarnishes was used to purchase Joseph by Potiphar.  Our Lord was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (further explanation for another time).  Nonetheless, the traditional ceremonial shofar was not used.  Instead these silver trumpets were used to announce to the encamped Hebrews the need to move on.  The glory cloud was moving, the trumpets were sounding, tent stakes needed to be pulled up and God’s people needed to follow Him to the land of promise.  Ephesians 1:13 “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also, after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. (Verses15-17)  I… cease not to… mention of you in my prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him.”  Essentially this experience which involves divine revelation empowers the Christian to actually comprehend the full extent of His love to “usward who believe.”  No more “ever learning, never coming to the knowledge of the truth.”  No more need for Sunday school.  It is because of this enlightening experience that the songwriter wrote, “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”  This revelation is divine wisdom.  At long last the Christian understands God’s purpose and goal for the entire body of Christ.  In brief that goal is to “conform us to His image,” and that we as “His body” are to be “filled with all the fullness of God.”  But this encounter with Christ is inclusive of much more.  Knowing the goal and knowing how to get there are two different things; hence the need for wisdom and revelation.  And although reception of divine illumination can be likened to a spiritual experience, it is probably better understood in the context of a journey, much like the Hebrews who traveled from Sinai to Palestine.  Yet at the same time this feast is experiential because a quickening in the spirit occurs with each new insight.  For example, in their journey the Hebrews had many experiences and received many specific instructions.  They were fed by manna and later by quail.  Water miraculously gushed from the rock and quenched their thirst.  They were healed when they simply looked upon the bronze serpent held up on Moses’ staff.  They were overshadowed by the pillar of cloud by day, which protected them from the blistering desert rays.  They were warmed at night from freezing temperatures by the pillar of fire.  They received instruction to construct a tabernacle as well as an altar of sacrifice, a water laver, a golden candlestick, a table of shew bread and the Ark of the Covenant.  An order of priests was established with specific duties.  Even the garments of the priests were specified by the Lord himself.  All of these events, instructions and more are provided as type and shadow of Wisdom and Revelation that is available in the realm of the Spirit for the believer.

After receiving such great Wisdom and Revelation from Christ himself the believer is attacked and tried in the natural and spiritual realms in a way like never before.  Revelations gained at the Feast of Trumpets are tried in the fire by a seemingly endless series of tribulations.  Because it is so difficult to rejoice in the midst of horrific personal tribulation this period of time is not referred to as a feast but is simply called the Day of Atonement.  The believer becomes well acquainted with the books of Job and James.  They become your new best friends while sackcloth and ashes are, for the first time, truly understood.  Like the 40 days of Noah’s flood or the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness it now becomes personal.  Indeed this period of time can be likened unto the 40 weeks of Job’s trials or like the 40 weeks of gestation before birth.  This is a marked period of time foreordained by the Lord to confirm and solidify divine revelations that nourished the believer during the Feast of Trumpets.  It’s as if Trumpets is a time of preparing the soil for a great planting.  It is often a time of rejoicing and typically many are involved.  At the end of the day there is satisfaction in the cool of the summer evening.  It is a job well done.  While Atonement involves waiting, pulling weeds and chasing away birds and rodents who would readily devour your garden and its fresh tender shoots, it is a difficult time and lonely time in which the heat of the noonday sun beats down mercilessly.  And unlike the time of planting, no one is there to help.

Finally at long last the believer has come to the River Jordan.  This experience, known as the Feast of Tabernacles is characterized by deliverance.  Here each believer tabernacles intimately with the Lord as He delivers the New Creation Manchild who is born to slay giants.  Just as the Hebrews are delivered out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land, so to is the believer birthed into a Kingdom Walk.  All of the carnality associated with Pentecost is rebuked and cast out by Jesus himself.  He may use other believers as midwives to assist in this task but the believer knows assuredly that only Jesus can do this mighty work.  And with this deliverance we march into the Promised Land on dry ground while the Jordan River parts.  We are well aware that there are giants in the land but we have been reassured that…
We are able to go up and take the country
And possess the land from Jordan to the sea,
And though giants tall there be our way to hinder,
God will surely give the victory.

I also mentioned two other feasts that were added.  These include the Dedication of the Temple when fire fell from heaven and consumed 144,000 sacrifices while God’s glory like a thick cloud filled the Temple.  It is beyond the scope of this writing to share this experience at this time but please know that this is a direct reference to the baptism of fire.

The feast of Purim was also instituted and referenced in the book of Esther.  Again this is outside of our discussion but please understand that this is a reference to the intercessory work of Christ in our life when we needed it most.  For most of us after we began the Kingdom Walk, we were immediately involved in healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons.  But unforeseen consequences occurred.  We became totally full of ourselves, totally enamored with our “high spiritual standing.”  Essentially we become what Oswald Chambers calls “spiritual prigs.”  Though we were involved in signs and wonders we are oblivious to our arrogance, pride and blackened hearts.  And so our great intercessor, Jesus, the Son of the Living God, slowly begins to reveal how deeply offensive we really were, how very shallow we had become, how truly unlovely we appeared.  And once again he broke us, molded us afresh and we are again brought back and prepared to rebuild the Temple a second time.  While we were performing mighty miracles we were carried off to Babylon.  In some cases years, or even decades passed but God is faithful and brings us back to the land of promise.  He gives us careful instruction and he revives our soul.  We are allowed to rebuild. One might ask, What is the Land of Promise?  The Promised Land is JESUS, our true inheritance.

In another time and another season, perhaps I will be able to share the significance of the three other days of holy convocation: Sabbath, Sabbatical and Jubilees.  It has been a pleasure to share with you and thank you for friending me. It may be that the information that I have just shared is not new to you at all.  However if it is new to you, I hope and pray that you receive it not from me but from the Lord Jesus Christ himself for I am nothing and He is everything.

In His Service,
Brother Jerry Turk
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One Out of Season – 5/30/15


I am pretty much a literalist when it comes to Paul. If you do not believe literally what the Bible says about Paul, then you will probably wrestle with this message. But if you believe the testimony of Paul to be true, then you may be open to this word that I feel burdened to share with you.

If the Bible says that Paul was thrown to beasts at Ephesus, then I believe that he was given over to lions in that city. If scripture says a viper leaped from a fire and bit Paul and he lived instead of died, then that is literally what happened. If Paul says he was in “deaths oft,” then it means that he was in death more than once and came back to continue the Lord’s work. And if Paul says, “nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me,” then this too I take to mean exactly that.

I have noticed that many churches today are beginning to take a very subtle position that suggests that Paul had a sin problem. Paul’s credibility seems questioned in some places. For example, some preaching will point to Romans 7 when Paul says, “Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death?” and interpret this to be Paul’s personal cry. Here is Paul in Romans 7, they say, complaining that he is in bondage to sin. (“That which I would, I do not; and that which I would not, that I do.”) It must mean that Paul still had a sin problem. This has almost become an accepted doctrine. Beloved, Paul did not have a sin problem. That is not the truth. In speaking to the Romans, Paul became all things to all men, presenting to that church the universal wretched condition of mankind, the state of every man who is not totally the bondslave of Jesus Christ. Why did Paul present this dilemma in Romans 7:24? So that he could answer his own question by saying in the next verse, “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord,” going on in the eighth chapter to expound the law of the Spirit.

Are we really to believe that this man Paul, who survived stonings, lions, the bites of vipers, who considered whether he should go to be with the Lord or stay behind to preach the gospel; that this man who was recognized by the demons of hell as having authority over them had a sin problem? (2 Cor. 11:25, I Cor. 15:32, Acts 28:3-6, Phil. 1:21-26, Acts 19:15)

You see, the Body of Christ has difficulty in coming to grips with the apostle Paul. Everyone accepts that Jesus had no sin because after all, He was God incarnate. But Paul was completely human. Human mother, human father, just like you and me. So this is the problem: it is a hard thing for us to admit to the fact that Paul was REALLY filled with all the fullness of God, because if we admit that it could happen to one totally human being, then we are obliged to ask ourselves if it is possible for US to be filled with the fullness of God as well. Rather than face this question, it is easier to say that maybe Paul had a sin problem. It is easier to scan the scriptures looking for some error he made or some contradiction or some fault. That would let us off the hook. Then we wouldn’t need to feel uncomfortable about the lack in our own relationship with the Lord.

I will offer you another example which has gained support among born again ranks which suggests that Paul was not quite on target. It has to do with the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, about whether John Mark should accompany them to visit the brethren. The disagreement was severe enough to cause Paul and Barnabas to go separate ways. (Acts 15) Later, in II Timothy 4:11, Paul requests that John Mark come to him, saying that he was profitable to Paul in the ministry. Paul, according to this fable, had a temper tantrum with Barnabas over John Mark and later saw the error in his judgment. Therefore, Paul was incorrect in his earlier dealings with John Mark. But as we examine the scriptures again, we see a different series of events. In Acts 13:13, Paul and Barnabas were in Pamphylia with various of the brethren, including John Mark. John Mark apparently abandoned the work without the leading of the Lord or the blessing of the apostle. It is clear that he deserted his brethren by leaving Pamphylia. Two chapters later, in Acts 15:38, Paul was therefore reluctant to allow him to rejoin the journey because of John Mark’s earlier instability and unfaithfulness in Pamphylia. Paul’s later statement in Timothy declaring that John Mark was now profitable to the ministry is simply a testimony of how the Holy Ghost had worked with John Mark and established him in the faith over a period of time. It is in no way indicative of a sin or temper problem with Paul.

But here again, it is easier to believe that Paul was in error than to believe that God can fill all in all. (Eph. 1:23) This is a subtle error crept into the church today in order to subvert your faith in God and to keep you from pressing on to the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Eph. 4:13)

Or what about Paul’s “thorn in the flesh?” (I Cor. 12:7) This has produced some interesting speculations and fables as well. Some say it was blindness, some say sin. But the Bible leaves no mystery, for it clearly states in the same verse that the thorn was a messenger of Satan (an evil spirit) sent to buffet Paul. It really does not matter what the evil spirit was. Some get caught up trying to figure this out. The point, as Paul went on to explain in the next verse, is that after his third petition to God to remove this thorn, he realized that God’s strength is PERFECTED in weakness, and that the weaker Paul was, the MORE PERFECT Christ was in him. (I Cor. 12:9) And that is precisely the whole point of all Paul’s writing and his very ministry: that he became nothing and of no reputation that ONLY CHRIST SHOULD REMAIN. Therefore, he even gloried in this buffeting, for when he was weak, then Christ in him was stronger than ever.

And still yet, some would rob you of your faith would tell you that Paul was in error because he was prejudiced against women. (I Cor. 14:34) Paul was not a social reformer any more than Jesus was. By the time Jesus went to the cross, the Romans were still in power, which was a disappointment even to the disciples. The gospel addresses something much deeper than social reform. It addresses the transformation of the heart by the Holy Ghost.

We know, for example, that in the Old Testament there is much discussion about a reference to a birthing-type experience, which we know is the birthing forth of Christ. (Gal. 4:19) You and I are called to bring forth Christ as a woman brings forth a child. (See Is. 21:3, 6:17; Jer. 22:23, 48:41, 49:22, 50:43; Mi. 4:9 for a few references to a birthing experience). Shall women say to men that they cannot bring forth Christ in the Spirit because they are incapable of childbearing in the natural? Of course not. But why is this ridiculous? Because we know that in the things of the Spirit THERE IS NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE and that ALL are called to bring forth Christ, man and woman alike.

There is a natural order and there is a spiritual order, of which Paul was aware. We must not confuse the two orders. The spiritual order SUPERSEDES the natural order. God is not and never has been a respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34) This is clear. Esau should have had the blessing, but Jacob received. Reuben was entitled, being the firstborn of Jacob, but Joseph became ruler over Egypt and received his father’s blessing. David, the youngest of Jesse, was anointed king of Israel. THE SPIRITUAL ORDER SUPERSEDES THE NATURAL ORDER. The very fact that God sent Paul to the Gentiles, by which grace we are saved today, proves magnificently that God is no respecter of persons. This includes male and female in the things of the Spirit. God does not care whether the earthen vessel is black, or Puerto Rican, or female. It is always the way of flesh to pigeon-hole people into higher and lower categories. It is the way of carnality. (Ja. 2:1-4) But the call of God is to WHOSOEVER WILL. It is not related to anything of the outward appearance, but it is completely related to the heart, which knows no color, no nationality, and no gender. (I Sam. 16:7)

Paul spoke to the Corinthian church about women. This was the most carnal flock of the day and surely Paul recognized this. The Corinthians were still having trouble with very fundamental truths. They were still involved with fornication, incest, and idol worship. (I Cor. 5:1) And so Paul ministered to them on a level they could understand. He shared with them the milk of the Word, being babes in Christ. (Heb. 5:13) But meat belongs to them that are of full age. (Heb. 5:14) Therefore to another body, he had the liberty to share the truth: in Christ there is no Jew or Gentile, bond or free, male or female. (Gal. 3:28) They could receive this truth.

Why have we elaborated so long on these questions about Paul? Do we worship Paul? God forbid.

Paul said he was one born out of due time or season. (I Cor. 15:8) When apples are in season, then all the trees bear their fruit at that time. It would indeed be a strange thing for only one apple tree to bear fruit in a whole orchard. Yet this is what Paul said about himself. Another way of saying out of season would be, “before the appropriate time.” Paul would not have spoken of being out of season unless there was coming a season of similar fruit at a later time. Through the eye of the Spirit, Paul knew that the “season” for others like himself was coming. (Eph. 1:10)  This is why it is so important that your faith should not be robbed by those who tell you that Paul, an apostle to this generation, had fallen short of the mark.

Paul knew that others would come who, IN THEIR NATURAL LIFETIME, would surrender their wills, their ambitions, their desires, and die daily to win Christ. He knew that others would come who, IN THEIR NATURAL LIFETIME, would have the treasure of complete Christ in earthen vessels (2 Cor. 4:7) ; who would bruise Satan under their heels (Rom. 16:20); who would pull down strongholds and be recognized by the powers of darkness because it was only Christ that was seen in them.

In fact, he knew that an ENTIRE GENERATION would come forth, in season, who would be the revealing of the Lord in the earth, who would be the mouth of the Lord to speak only His words, the arm of the Lord mighty in battle, the feet of the Lord who bring good tidings, who jointly fit together as Christ, His Body; not separated from the Head, but completely and perfectly controlled by the Head.  One Christ, many members; He who fills all in all.

That season is upon us for the rest of this orchard to bear fruit.  That season is upon us for the remnant who are willing to go the way of the cross to become the manifested presence of the Lord Himself, who have given up everything so that ONLY CHRIST REMAINS in an earthen vessel.

Many people followed the ministry of Christ, they pressed in for healings and deliverance and blessings.  People got what they needed.  Praise God, He meets our needs.  So too today, thousands press in continually to have their needs met.  But have you noticed who the Holy Ghost chose to tell us about?  Those who went beyond receiving blessings to also lay down their lives – their SELF-LIVES – that they might receive the prize of the high calling, that Christ should be allowed to express Himself through them without hindrance.

Isaiah 55:1 says, “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters and he that hath no money; come ye, BUY, and eat; yea, come, BUY wine and milk without money and without price.”

A widow who met Elijah “bought” for herself a never-ending supply of oil by her obedience to the prophet’s command to give. (I Ki. 17:10-16)

Five virgins were instructed to go and BUY oil for their lamps. (Mt. 25:8)

In Matthew, a man sold all that he had to BUY a pearl of great price.

And in Revelation, we are counseled to BUY of the Lord gold tried in the fire. (Rev. 3:18)

How can this be, if Christ paid the price, that we should need to buy anything of the Lord?

Before Christ, it was not possible to “buy” anything of the Father at any price. The veil was not yet rent in twain making His presence and His life available to us.  The sacrifice of Christ makes available to us what was never available before; the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:19)

When you get saved, you “buy” with your repentance what Christ has made available by the blood; you accept your salvation.  As you go farther and farther in your walk with the Lord, He shows you more of what is available to each individual what and how much they will “buy.” You can buy a little, or you can buy a lot, or you can buy EVERYTHING. You can have a thirty fold, a sixty fold, or a hundred fold increase. It is up to you. The hundred fold increase speaks about the total fullness of God in a totally surrendered life.

We cannot buy with our money. We cannot even buy with our time and labors, for we know that our works are insufficient. (Eph. 2:8 & 9)

But we can buy God’s fullness with our hearts.  Each time you humble yourself to know the Lord, you are BUYING of Him. (Ja. 4:6-10)  Each time you ask for forgiveness or forgive another, you are BUYING of Him.  Each time you come to a Gethsemane in your life and choose God’s way instead of your own, you are BUYING gold, wine, milk, and oil which are in the Spirit representatives of more of the Lord.  You purchase this fullness with the laying down of your self-life.  It is the narrow way Jesus spoke about.  Jesus did it.  Paul did it, being totally human.  The point is, IT IS AVAILABLE TO YOU BY CHRIST.

Any teaching that tells you it is not available is sponsored by a spirit of unbelief that limits God by not confessing that with God all things are possible. (Heb. 3:19)  The powers of darkness would love you to believe that Paul had a sin problem.  They would love you to believe that you are not really joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. (Rom. 8:17)  They would love you to believe that it is not possible for us, being human, to be only earthen vessels containing nothing but Christ.

I declare to you by the Spirit, it is not only possible, but the hour is at hand when the prayer of Jesus in John 17 that we should be one in Him shall become a reality. That remnant shall declare that the works they do are the works of the Father. They shall declare as Jesus declared that whoever has seen them has seen the Father because Christ is ALL THAT REMAINS IN THEM.

You can buy of the Lord as much as you want. But, as the man considered the cost of the house before he built it, consider what you are willing to buy. (Luke 14:28)

Let God arise in you and all His enemies – not a few, but ALL – shall scatter. (Ps. 68:1)  Who are His enemies?  Not the prince of this world, for he is already cast down. (Jn. 12:31)  The enemy of God is the flesh that yet remains IN US, resisting the work of the Holy Ghost.  As you buy of the Lord, He will increase more and more, and you will decrease (John 3:30) until, if you buy enough, He is all that is left: that pearl of great price. (Mt. 13:46)  There is no glory to the shell the pearl comes in. It is cast out and forgotten. But the pearl is that for which a man will SELL AND BUY.

Bro Jerry Turk & Sis Jacalyn Eddy.

Who is the Manchild in Revelation 12? – 5/26/15


In I Corinthians 13 Paul writes “that a when I was a child I spake as a child: but when I became a man I put away childish things.” In this passage Paul is using the concepts of childhood and manhood to speak about spiritual maturity. Indeed, the verse preceding this passage states “When that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away.” Most Christians today believe “that which is perfect” refers to the second coming of Christ. However, this concept is relatively new. That is, throughout most of Christendom until about 1860 this reference of perfection had more to do with the spiritual state of an individual while they were alive. For example, Saints were canonized by the Roman Catholic Church when a level of spiritual perfection was posthumously determined. In Protestant circles dominated by Puritans, early Methodists and converts from the first or second great awakening perfection more often referred to a second work of grace where the appetites and desires for sin were crucified once and for all. But the context of this chapter adequately defines this notion of perfection that is neither Catholic nor Protestant in the aforementioned terms. Essentially Paul is letting these carnal Christians know that even if they had great miraculous gifts and even if they were martyred, without LOVE they would be spiritually bankrupt.

In this case Paul’s use of “child” refers to a believer who is immature in the faith and is not well grounded. In the same sense Paul refers to a “man” as someone who was achieved a degree of maturity and is no longer influenced by the things of the world, the flesh or the devil. But this maturity or perfection is not just the absence of negative attributes that characterizes spiritual manhood. Paul also reports that the Fruits of the Spirit, and particularly, LOVE is not only the primary indicator of Christian maturity but also the evidence of Christian perfection.

However, in Revelation 12 we see that John has combined these same two concepts, manhood and childhood, but in an altogether different context. Here he refers to a group of believers who are collectively known as the Manchild. What is also apparent is that this Manchild is gifted and anointed by God. Indeed, immediately upon birth the Manchild is caught up to God and to his throne and yet at the same time “they loved not their lives unto death.” Although they are continually in the presence of God their mortal bodies are vulnerable to death.

Who is this Manchild? In one sense this becomes a relevant question in the light of current and unprecedented worldwide persecution and martyrdom of Christians. But the question about the identity of the Manchild is probably broader in scope than current events. This is because the very concept of a “Manchild” is an oxymoron or a contradiction. Consider for a moment the embodiment of Christ-like attributes or even unity with God in a collective that is corporately like a child? When we reflect on Christ’s dedication to purpose, commitment to His heavenly calling and His unwavering desire to follow the Father’s command, even to the point of tasting death and hell, childhood does not readily come to mind. Equally enigmatic are the other primary characters described in Revelation 12. These include the Woman who delivers the Manchild and the Dragon who seeks to devour the Manchild upon birth.
First it should be acknowledged that the identity of the Manchild is controversial. Not all believers agree. However, as scripture tends to interpret itself, then clues to the identity of Manchild are probably replete in type and shadow throughout scripture. A brief examination of Biblical children with anointed power should help us answer this question. Indeed, throughout the pages of the Bible there is a seemingly endless series of stories about couples and circumstances around the birth of their gifted or anointed offspring. A surface read of the book of Genesis gives an account of numerous couples, and in most cases, the unusual or peculiar circumstances that surround the birth of their son or sons.

To Adam and Eve were born Cain and Abel. But we read in Genesis 4 that Cain killed his brother Abel because God favored Abel’s offering, the blood sacrifice of an innocent newborn lamb over Cain’s sacrifice, the fruit of the ground or the fruit of his labor. To the believer the symbolism is obvious. Abel’s lamb is a type and shadow of Christ, called the Lamb of God in the gospels, while Cain’s offering represents those who seek to earn God’s favor by their own labor or by keeping the law. Moreover, after his death we read that Abel’s blood cried from the ground. Many have suggested that this reflects the eternal intercessory power of Christ’s blood. But obvious flaws are associated with this interpretation. Adam was created by God and was therefore called “the son of God.” Hence if Adam was murdered this interpretation might have merit. But when we consider that Abel was born of woman, the story holds more weight as a foreshadowing of the Manchild who was also born of “the Woman.”

In the apocryphal Book of Enoch (which was quoted by Jude and Jesus) we read of the birth of Noah who was thought by his father Lamech to be the offspring of Lamech’s wife and a fallen angel – because light could be visibly seen emanating from him when he entered a dark room. As a result Lamech contemplated taking the life of Noah. However, in the book, Enoch descends from his heavenly estate to reveal to Lamech that Noah is indeed Lamech’s son and that this young child, Noah has been chosen and anointed by God to save mankind. In reading the text one comes to realize that the phenomenon of light that surrounded Noah was the Shekinah Glory of God. This account of the infant Noah would therefore seem to be an appropriate prototype for both the birth of Christ and the birth of the Manchild. The lives of all 3 were threatened immediately after birth and all 3 survived following divine interventions. However, because Jesus said “as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man,” the Manchild Company correlates more closely with the infant Noah as both appear during an apocalyptic event. Moreover, since the Book of Enoch is not cannon of scripture, this example for some might not be relevant or accepted.

Thereafter, many other stories of phenomenal children are recorded in the Bible or other ancient related works. Eventually, the avid Bible reader comes to realize that childbirth is no doubt one of the major themes of the Hebrew covenant, and indeed the entire Bible. To Isaac and Rebekah were born twins, Esau first then Jacob (Gen. 25: 23-26). The story of these brothers and their relationship to God, to their parents and to each other makes for fascinating reading. This is because eventually the family inheritance and blessing goes to Jacob who, because he was younger would not typically become the rightful heir. Ultimately Jacob’s name, meaning jackal or supplanter is changed to Israel, which means “the redeemed of the Lord “after several unexpected divine encounters (Gen. 35:10). Again we find another story that suggests God’s favor is not dependent on merit or natural selection. Additionally, a distinct difference between the younger and the older is described in detail. Like Jacob, it is almost unnatural or unthinkable to consider that the blessing would go to a Manchild, which sounds a bit like an immature man.

In First Samuel, chapters 1 and 2 we read that after seeking the Lord for years Hanna was finally fruitful, giving birth. In return and with thanksgiving she presents her long awaited son, rendering him to the service of the Lord by relinquishing him to serve Levitical priests and to duties of the tabernacle. Her son became the mighty prophet Samuel who would anointed Saul, and later, David as King over Israel. Again a strong correlation is obvious. Like Samuel who was promised to the Lord at birth, the Manchild is caught up to God and to His throne immediately after birth. This differs from Christ who began his public ministry at the age of 30.

We could also easily correlate the Manchild to David the shepherd boy who slew the giant Goliath. Later, following the illicit affair between King David and Bathsheba, Solomon was born. In a strange twist of events Solomon unexpectedly became heir to the throne of David despite the fact that he was one of David’s youngest children. Moreover, the Lord gave Solomon permission to build the temple in Jerusalem. During Solomon’s dedication of the temple we read that fire fell from heaven and publically consumed 144,000 sacrifices before all Israel (2 Chron. 7:1). Again this is noteworthy as “the 144,000” is designated as a significant number in the Book of Revelation. In chapter 7 this number is associated with the 12 tribes of Israel (12,000 from each tribe) “who have come out of the Great Tribulation… and their robes are washed white in the blood of the Lamb.” However, in Chapter 14 the same number is associates with “the Redeemed of the Lord who originate from every nation, kindred, tongue and people from the entire earth.” Once again, those first chosen by the Lord, known as Israelites, receive not the promise of Christ. Instead the unexpected Gentiles or the younger or most recent converts who are added to the household of faith are the first to receive the promised Messiah.

The books of Kings and Chronicles provide us with what seems like endless genealogies of who begat who. Particular attention is often provided regarding the birth of Kings. In some cases, details are provided regarding their reign as well as the degree of their obedience to God. However, in the case of some kings it would appear that their only significance was the fact that they gave birth to their successor. Since we are focused on divinely anointed and appointed children, two young kings in particular are noteworthy. We read in II Chronicles 24 how Joash began his reign at the age of 7 and it was said of him that he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Moreover, in II King 23 we read that Josiah began his reign at age 8 and was credited with consolidating many Hebrew texts and removing idols of Baal. In both cases the concept of a spiritually mature child or Manchild is reintroduced to our consciousness and is perhaps a foreshadowing of things not seen as yet.

Of all the stories in the Bible that provide details around the birth of a son there are 3 that stand out as unique and vastly different from the rest. And though the Bible provides an account of many sons born under miraculous circumstances, the birthing of THREE SONS in particular goes far beyond the realm of the miraculous. Indeed the birthings of these 3 specific sons carry the promise of UNIVERSAL AND ETERNAL significance. The story of these three families and their promised son that stand out head and shoulders above all other stories in the Bible are:




Most believers are well acquainted with the stories of the first 2 couples and their son of promise, but again we ask, who is this Manchild and what are His parent’s names? Many believe the Manchild is a description of Christ and His coming “millennial reign.” This is understandable when we consider that both Mary and the Woman take refuse shortly after giving birth and both are pursued for a specified period of time by evil forces aimed at annihilation. However, the description of this 3rd enigmatic child of promise in Revelation 12 does not quite fit with what we know of Jesus at his return. A little child or Manchild that shall lead as the great peacemaker between lion and lamb does not exactly fit with the Lion of Judah that returns with fiery vengeance.

Further distinctions regarding the Manchild are also supported in Revelation 12 where the mother of this new born is discussed. In this passage we note that “The Woman” or mother of the Manchild bears no obvious resemblance to Sarah or Mary. If the Manchild represented Jews converted during the Great Tribulation then we might have expected the mother to be described like Sarah, that is, beyond the age to conceive. Or if the Manchild was a symbolic or hidden message meant to reveal Jesus of Nazareth in cryptic language to an early persecuted church then we might expect the Woman to be described as a virgin. The absence of these essential descriptors is highly suggestive that the Manchild represents another group altogether. Reading from the beginning: “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered” (Rev. 12:1-2).

Instead, this Manchild description strongly correlates to the “Manifested Sons of God” described in Romans 8. Indeed we read that “the whole creation groans and travails in pain for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Please note that this manifestation in Romans is described in “birthing terms,” groaning and travailing much like the passage in Revelation 12. And if the Manchild equates to Sons of God, it would of necessity have to be both a single entity and, at the same time, a multitude. Is a corporate entity a valid or scriptural concept? Indeed it is, for this is exactly what Jesus prayed in John 17:21, for believers in his generation and future generations. “That they all may be one; as thou Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” This is also verified directly in the passage in Revelation. Here “Manchild” is singular but later John reveals that THEY (plural) loved not their lives unto death. So we are compelled to ask who are the Sons of God, also known as the Manchild? “Now WE are the SONS OF GOD and it doth not yet appear what WE shall be but We know that when HE shall appear WE shall be like him for WE shall see HIM as HE is” (I Jn. 3:2). That means we shall be transfigured. This corruptible will put on incorruptible. And if All CREATION is awaiting the SONS OF GOD, then the concept of Jesus of Nazareth returning to set up His kingdom falls grossly short of God’s plan. How so? Recall on the cross He said, “It is Finished! Hence, a Body of Believers who are united under Christ, their divine head fulfills His promise to us: “God shall shortly bruise Satan under your feet” (Rom. 16:20).

Continuing in John 17:22 we read “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them: that they may be one, even as we are one.” This further helps us understand the mystery, “all flesh shall see (Him) together” (Rev. 1:7 & Isa. 40:5), because “He shall come to be glorified in His saints” (2Thes. 1:10). It is easy to see how a worldwide simultaneous transfiguration of saints could best be described “as lightening that shines from the east to the west” (Matt. 24:27).

Unfortunately, not all who name the name of Christ or are “saved” will be a part of this transfiguration or manifestation. For we read in Matthew 25:1-13 that there were 5 foolish virgins who did not have enough oil when the time of the bridegroom approached. In fact the 5 wise virgins were unwilling to sell their oil to the 5 foolish. The oil was needed to provide fire to light the way during the midnight hour. Precious Spirit filled believer, as this era or Day of the Gentiles draws to a close (Matt. 24:14 & Rom. 11:25) and the sun sets into “gross darkness the people (Isa 60:2)” don’t be without the FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST. You can’t get this power from other Spirit filled believers. Only Jesus can baptize you in the Fire of the Holy Ghost (Lk. 3:16).

Returning to Revelation 12 we also read that the dragon went to wage war with the Woman who had a place prepared for her in the wilderness. We may indeed rise TO MEET HIM IN THE AIR (1 Thes. 4:16-17), but the idea that we’re gone during some Great Tribulation is really not clearly indicated. Noah remained in the ark on the planet but was unaffected by the destruction of the planet’s surface. Peter reveals that once again at the Day of the Lord, the earth will again be destroyed, but this time by fire (2 Pet. 3:10). Upon reading Peter’s words one cannot help but be reminded of Daniel, chapter 3 in which the Fourth Man protected Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace . Perhaps a righteous remnant or Manchild Company will be unaffected by the coming apocalyptic fire.

Realize this, the birthing of the MANCHILD or THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD means you are possessed by God. You are One with God as He prayed in John 17. What difference does it make if you are in some celestial mansion or on planet earth. You are in Jesus and Jesus is in you. You are transformed. This flimsy necessity of sequentially and chronologically dividing the Book of Revelation into time frames is really not in keeping with what we know about the Master. Allow me to provide an example. Recall He was crucified and rose in 3, or 3.5 days. And according to our reading of the text Jesus allegedly “went to Hell (Ps. 16:10), got the keys (Rev. 1:18), came back to earth in a transfigured body for 40 days (Acts 1:3), and now He lives forevermore to make intercession for us (Heb 7:25).” Right? Okay, then why did he say to the one next to him also being crucified, “This day you will be with me in paradise (Lk 23:43)?” How could He be with this man in paradise that day when Jesus had 3 days of work to do in hell? And indeed He did go to hell. Reading Psalms 16:10, “thou wilt not leave my soul in hell” confirms this as a destination for our Lord. Moreover, we read in 1 Peter 3:18 he preached to imprisoned spirits who were lost during the time of Noah. How then could he be with that man in paradise that day when he had to spend three days in hell and the grave? The answer is quite simple beloved. There is no time after the grave. God provides time-frames for us in this earthly realm to assist in our comprehension oh Him. How do we know this? Because the times and the seasons, which are measured by the sun, moon and stars were created by God. That is, by the Word of God, or by Jesus, time was created. “For by him (and for him) were all things created (Col. 1:16 & Prov. 16:4).” He is “the I AM (Ex. 3:14).” He is ever-present and always in the NOW. Let us no longer put God in a box and say… “then this will happen, then this, …then after that, this…but this has to happen first.” Believer, rid yourself of this kind of archaic thinking. God doesn’t live in a box or the Arc of the Covenant anymore. Understand that the Book of Revelation was given to those “that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit says… (Rev. 2:7, 17 &29, 3:22).” Hence the Book of Revelation is not meant to be read or understood on the basis of one’s intellect, but is spiritually discerned. It is intended to be reveals to spiritual ears and to be spiritually understood. Trying to figure out the Book of Revelation is futile and runs contrary to Christ’s instructions. Waste your time no more by reading Revelation as a series of chronological events and acknowledge that he is the I AM.

So let us go back to the Manchild or the Manifested Son of God. They are birthed from the bride of Christ, the Church and Fathered by the Holy Ghost: Paul writes, “For I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ (2Cor. 11:2),” ….“That he (Jesus) might be the first born among many brethren (Rom. 8:29).” The son of Isaac and his mother, Sarah are a type and shadow of the Manchild Company and the Woman. Abraham is a picture of God who knows a son of promise is on the way. Though centuries have passed, Sarah, like the Church, upon hearing that she will actually produce a son, laughs as though hearing an absurdity (Gen. 18:12). Indeed, most in churches would laugh and scorn if you or I proclaimed that a righteous remnant, possessed by Christ will come forth from the church system and set creation free. But in the same way Sarah’s faith was ignited when she believed (Heb 12:11), so too is there a remnant in the Church waking from their slumber and aware that something great is about to happen. Most believe this to be “the Rapture.” But beloved, God has not called us to escape but to OVERCOME (1Jn. 5:4 & 5, Rev. 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:26, 3:5,3:12, 3:21, 21:7). Stop looking to the Nightly New and stop looking for a Rapture. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith (Heb. 12:2). Revelation depicts this Woman clothed with the sun. Hence her sins are blotted out or she is clothed with the Glory of God. The moon is under her feet. The moon has no life of it’s own but reflects the glory of the sun when it is darkest. This means she is crucified with Christ, and has no life; yet she lives and radiates the faith of the Son of God who gave His life for her (Gal. 2:20). Upon her head a crown of 12 stars. That is, she has been received apostolic teaching and authority. And though she does not know it, and perhaps she does not yet believe it, she is pregnant for the Corporate Christ or the First Fruits of the Spirit (Rom. 8:23). She is pregnant for Christ, the many membered body (1 Cor. 12:27). Allow me to provide an example.

Though Saul, whose name was later changed to Paul, persecuted the followers of Jesus and though he never met Jesus during His 33 years on earth, Jesus personally introduced himself to Paul. On the Road to Damascus Jesus appeared to Saul/Paul and asked, “Why persecutest thou me (Acts 9:4)?” Now consider this profound question for a moment and remember Saul had never met Jesus. In this question Jesus was revealing that those he persecuted were Jesus… “Insomuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matt. 25:40). No! This is not blasphemy. But this is your inheritance, like the well-known hymn, “Be thou my vision…Thou my inheritance now and always.” Jesus is your inheritance (Phil. 3:8). Though aspects of your inheritance may have been described to you as streets of gold, reunion with loved ones passed on, sinless perfection, escape from God’s wrath, or even planetary reign, they do not compare with your true inheritance, JESUS. Please know that you are called “to be conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29),” and “you are called to be ONE with Him (Jn. 17:21).” Blasphemy is where you decide you are Christ. However, it is quite a different thing for Christ to give you His name. “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named ( Eph. 3:14-15).” Indeed, it is quite common for a wife to take her husband’s name or for children to be identified by their father’s surname.

You and I are called to be part of this Manchild Company and you and I shall come forth on the earth at the midnight hour and subdue kingdoms. This Manchild Company are the meek that inherit the earth (Matt. 5:5). Prophesy is fulfilled as “a little child shall lead them (Isa. 11:6).” Jesus said “Unless you become as a little child you shall not inherit the kingdom (Matt. 18:3)” and “Suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of God (Matt. 19:4).” “Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings God has perfected praise (Matt. 21:16).” Now we finally understand what He meant. So in this process in which you are divested of the doctrines of man, you enter into God and boldly “are caught up to God and His throne (Rev 12:5).” Here you begin to realize perhaps for the first time that you are “BEING BORN AGAIN of an incorruptible seed (1Pet 1:23).” Indeed we are fitly framed together (Eph 2:21) to be manifested as the perfect man (Eph 4:13), the likes of which the world has never known; a Manchild that will set all creation free. That beloved, is “THE GOOD for which ALL thing work together (Rom 8:28).” Finally, too illustrate the Manchild Company allow me to repost a dream given to my daughter with the interpretation, which I believe was given to me by the Lord.

THE DREAM: “I was carelessly wandering a mountain top. I was humbly dressed and carrying a basket. Making my way down the mountain side I come upon a deer that did not move away as I drew near. I notice that the deer is wounded. As I get close I see unspeakable things. I get on my knees and pray for her but it appears she is eating her own hoof and leg to sustain her need for food. As I look at her entirely, her gut has been wrenched out and I realize her wounds (though unable to be mended) are the cause of her hunger. On all four with her- I sob, tears fall to the ground.”

INTERPRETATION GOD GAVE ME: It is a dream about the status of the reprobate church today. There is no manna, no quail. But they desire “strong meat that belongs to those of full age.” And since there is none because they have not seen the hope of their calling, that is they are unaware that they are called to be conformed to the image of Christ, they become like cannibals, eating on their own members. Gossiping, maligning, persecuting, they become gutless. They have no inner strength. Salvation preached to foreign nations is reduced to shoe boxes with gifts at Christmas time. There is no “deer panting for water, only the shell of what once could leap over hills and jump over walls, and now has developed a taste for blood, like vampires, or rodents that eat their young if no food is available. Peter and Jude write about them. They know scriptures and their own doctrines but they do not know Him, otherwise they would seek to be filled, healed, and delivered. They would seek to be broken by Him so as to be used in whatever capacity in which the Master has need. They would seek His Fire. THERE IS A NEWLY BORN AND INVINCIBLE REMNANT THAT LEAVES THE BARREN CHURCH IN THE WILDERNESS AND THIS MAN-CHILD COMPANY IS CAUGHT UP TO GOD AND TO HIS THRONE. The beast, that was once a deer is left to be trodden under foot for a time and times and half a time. Do not mourn endlessly for this beast but rejoice that God has called you easily maneuver Mount Zion so that you can see the status of the Wilderness-Church and that you are not a part of it. Though still dressed in sackcloth, that is, not yet transfigured; and though you have a near empty basket, it is capable of feeding 5000 at a time. You cry for her not because of her wounds, but because of her lack of faith – a faith that enables you to have vision for the invisible. Those tears that hit the ground are like the drops of blood that fell from His brow in Gethsemane. And like Abel’s blood, it cries from the ground even after you have departed, making intercession for those who were without the heavenly vision. You could not but help draw near because the love of the Father is in you to love all who name the name of Jesus.

Lastly, allow me to reiterate that most Christians consider the Manchild to be a symbolic representation of the nation of Israel, converted to Christ during the Great Tribulation. But this is pure conjecture on the part of those who espouse the doctrine of Escapism. Instead we see that the birthing of the Manchild from the church system marks the inevitable doom of Satan and his influence on mankind. This is the inheritance of all believers. “God shall shortly bruise Satan under your foot (Rom 16:20).” The remainder of the chapter provides us with these details or the activity occurring in the spirit realm from God’s perspective. “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon fought and his Angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore and heaven. And the great Dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of the brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the “Blood of the Lamb,” and the “Word of their Testimony;” and they loved not their lives unto death (Rev 12:7-11).”

Precious believer, I pray that as darkness covers the earth, we die to our ambitions and self-desires. In doing so we will receive the brightness of His Glory and He shall He arise upon us. Plea the “blood of Jesus” over every circumstance and know “the word of our testimony.” That singular word of our testimony is of course, J E S U S.

God Bless You Precious Saints.
In the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth,
Brother Jerry Turk

Jerry Turk's photo.

Be Thou My Vision 5/14/15

Throughout scripture the presence of the Lord has always been marked by an unmistakable entrance. Unfortunately, in many Christian circles in the United States an experience with Christ is considered non-essential. Or worse yet, it is considered a counterfeit from the Satan, arguing that the Bible alone is sufficient for conversion. But to the “rational Christian” who does not want to appear that dogmatic, a spiritual experience with Christ is often explained in psychological or scientific terms. And so, in an attempt to be non-judgmental, these fundamentalists often view the “Christian experience” as a self-induced, hypnotic, trance-like state that in reality is nothing more than an adrenalin rush, a dopaminergic surge, a flood of endorphins or just plain old fashion goose bumps. And if the “experience” occurs in a crowd, it is simply called mass hypnosis, special effects, stage craft or charlatanism.

And while attempting to placate what they believe to be a group of emotionally charged “baby Christians” these so called “seeker-sensitive believers” have reduced the Christian experience to a verbal affirmation of doctrine. To them, the initiate reiterates or paraphrases dogma in a quasi-guttural, semi-suburban dialect, which sounds something like “uh-huh” or “yeah.” Later when discipled in the faith the new convert is brainwashed to believe that only those lacking faith seek an experience. They are taught that one only needs to mentally ascribe to a set of prescribed religious formulas now codified as the FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS in order to become a Christian. Like Nancy Reagan’s solution to addiction “Just say NO,” Christian conversion is simply “Just say YES.” In other words, “keep it simple stupid.”

Well, if you buy this schlock – hook, line and sinker, I’m here to tell you you’ve been robbed, lied to and cheated of your inheritance. The reason you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior is because you want to know Him. If He has revealed himself to you personally He cannot be denied. As a child I believed in God. I had heard Bible stories about Jesus and others first from my mother, then later in Sunday School. I believed these Biblical testimonies but I lacked personal experience. I even took my Bible to school every day to prove that I was not ashamed of the gospel. In retrospect I had convinced myself that an experience with Christ was simply emotionalism. Instead, I was memorizing scripture. I somehow convinced myself that I knew Him. But in reality, I really had not experienced Him, His presence, His power, His overwhelming love. Inwardly, I so desperately wanted to but Jesus seemed silent. I also knew from the Bible that “the letter of the law kills but the Spirit gives life” (2Cor 3:6). I cried as an adolescent for years in secret, desiring a confirmation of my faith – even though the preacher thundered from the pulpit that “an evil generation seeks a sign” (Mt 29:39). Night after night, as a young boy of ten or twelve I cried myself to sleep with tears of desperation: “Jesus, if you’re real show yourself to me.”

Finally, at age 18 when I was a high school senior, I was invited to a home Bible study and prayer meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting a friend of mine, Joe Sarnicola asked if anyone wanted to be baptized in the Holy Ghost. I did not! And when asked, I said “NO WAY.” To me that stuff was demonic-like and raw emotionalism. But out of shear curiosity I whispered to Jean Elam, the woman sitting next to me, “How does one get this baptism?” Part of me was curious because it was a blizzard outside and I thought that perhaps I was being challenged to wade into some freezing river nearby. But instead, in a southern accent Jean responded, “Why you just ask Jesus to baptize you in His Spirit He does the rest.” Well that sounded easy enough. Nobody needed to know that I was praying. I really didn’t expect anything to happen anyways. I then innocently prayed “Jesus, baptize me in your Spirit if this is of you.”

Within minutes I was standing, hands were being put on me, I was crying out for more of Jesus and suddenly, from out of nowhere, a power, a surge, a wonderful warmth that seemed almost like electricity and warm oil slowly worked its way down my body from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. All I could say was “It’s you Jesus, it’s you.” And without a shred of doubt I knew it was Him. The power was so great I fell backwards right to the floor. And while praising Him, I suddenly began speaking in tongues. It was an incomprehensible language that I could neither control nor did I want to. This experience has never left me and the same power occurs to me as the age of 60 approaches and as I speak in tongues daily.

Shortly after this glorious event and a few months before I planned to go to college I witnessed the visible and tangible Shekinah Glory of Christ. I was invited by a middle aged couple from my new church, the Auburn Assembly of God, to go to a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting in the old Presbyterian Church in Pittsburg. Hundreds, even 1000’s were simultaneously healed as repeating rings of a luminescent fog emanated from her in all directions. These clouds rolled over us and through us, one after another like ripples that form when a pebble is thrown into a still pond. Toward the end of the service the four of us sitting some 25 feet from the stage witnessed the regrowth of leg muscles on a 20 year girl who was wheelchair bound. Calf muscles that did not exist appeared before our very eyes. It was like watching balloons being filled with gas from an air tank. Within seconds she was walking with ease.

The power in each doughnut shaped cloud that passed through us was so intense it was difficult to remain standing. We were literally jolted as each wave of power swept by. Like the Baptism of the Holy Ghost it again felt like warm oil and a wonderful electric-like power that invigorated, renewed and healed all at the same time. All Ms Kuhlman did was stand on stage and sing “Hallelujah” in her post-menopausal, cracking and almost guttural voice. People everywhere were jumping up like popcorn, screaming that they were healed.

I went with George and Dee Oaks and Pearl Hamilton who was in her late 70s at the time. We all saw and experienced the same thing. We got there early, about 4am. You had to – to get a seat. Doors didn’t open until 10am or 11am. People came in wheel chairs, ambulances, with IV poles, and some with nurses in uniform. In the end what was a mean nasty crowd that trampled each other to get in, was after a 4-5 hour service that went by like half an hour, a totally transformed people. Almost everyone got saved, crying, begging for Jesus. As great as that was, it does not compare to what we are entering into now.

About a year later while at Houghton Wesleyan College in Upstate New York I encountered some students that I considered “heretics” because they believed and preached a word that they claimed was from God, but these were different from my beliefs. Basically their beliefs challenged my traditional Christian ideas about rapture, tribulation, trinity, etc. Their beliefs seemed altogether different from the beliefs I was taught since childhood. So I warned others about them and secretly wanted them expelled from this “Christian College.” Then one day I encountered in a dormitory foyer, Lee Gilchrist and Nancy Paine, two followers of these heretical doctrines. They again gave me a summary of their heresy. And in the midst of my arguments I suddenly understood everything they were saying. In fact, I wasn’t even listening to them. In my mind I was trying to think of my next argument to counter their beliefs, when suddenly I fully understood. What I previously thought was heresy I now knew as Revelation. In that split second I received an expanded comprehension of the Lord Jesus Christ, my destiny with Him, His eternal purpose in me, and for that matter, His purpose for all creation.

This experience was not revealed as separate doctrines but was a Divine Revelation such that “the eyes of my understanding were enlightened” (Eph 1:18). It was as if the words of the song were suddenly true for me: “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of The Lord” and I saw that He was coming to be glorified in His saints (2Thes 1:10). My theology, which I have shared openly in my posts did not come from Bible School. It was imparted by the Holy Ghost. In that moment I experienced joy unspeakable and full of glory (1Pet 1:8). As one of His sons I was called not only to be conformed to His image (Rom 8:29) but I was also called to be ONE with Him (Jn 17:21). I understood that I had adopted a spirit whereby I cry Abba Father (Rom 8:15) and that one day I will adopt a new transfigured body (Rom 8:23). But I also understood that beyond adopting promises, I am NOT an adopted son. Instead, I am being born again of an incorruptible seed (1Pet 1:23) and Jesus was the firstborn among many brethren (Rom 8:29). Indeed, the whole creation is groaning and travailing in pain for the MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD (Rom 8:18-22). In my previous experiences with Christ I had known Him as the WAY. Following this moment of Divine Revelation I came to know Him as TRUTH. But I still did not know Him as the LIFE.

This occurred about nine months after the impartation of “Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Eph 1:17-18). Many trials and tribulations were occurring and I think it is fair to say that I was going through the worst time of my life up to that point. To escape my troubles I visited a friend in Tulsa, Oklahoma who prayed for me under the anointing and power of the Holy Ghost. During the prayer I was levitated and thrown across the room by an evil spirit. Immediately afterwards a raspy guttural voice came out of my mouth that said, “No I won’t go.” Not only had I suddenly lost control of voice, but my body was stiff and paralyzed. Once again my theology was challenged because I did not believe it possible for a Spirit filled believer to come under such demonic influence. My friend continued to pray in the power of the Holy Ghost until the wretched spirit of fear that had haunted me my entire life completely left me. I was then again filled with unspeakable joy and flooded with the sensation of His abiding and dynamic love. It was beyond thrilling. The Kingdom Walk had begun. I was delivered out of my Wilderness and I was now in the Promised Land.

For many of us after we began the Kingdom Walk, we were immediately involved in healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons. But unforeseen consequences occurred. We had become totally full of ourselves, totally enamored with our “high spiritual standing.” Essentially we become what Oswald Chambers calls “spiritual prigs.” Though we were involved in signs and wonders we are oblivious to our arrogance, pride and blackened hearts. And so our great intercessor, Jesus, the Son of the Living God, slowly begins to reveal how deeply offensive we really are, how very shallow we had become, how truly unlovely we appeared. Many of us fell into gross sin and debauchery. But we thought it was okay because we were praying for people who got healed. This was exactly my situation. And so once again it was necessary for God to break me and mold me afresh. I was again brought back to my loving Savior so that God could rebuild me, like Zachariah’s Temple that needed to be rebuilt when the Israelites were released from 70 years of captivity. Essentially, while I was performing mighty miracles I was at the same time carried off to Babylon. Decades passed but God is faithful and He has brought me back to a land of promise. This time He gave me careful instruction and he revived my soul with a new fire. He was again recreating and restoring, but this time He spoke to me about a promised land in different terms. It did not involve man, movement or ministry. Instead the Promised Land was JESUS, my true inheritance.

I will be 60 in 4 days. In the recent past, that is the last 3 to 4 years, I have been experiencing the Baptism of Fire. Many Christians in the USA have never heard of this. However, this fire-concept has captured the imagination of many popular charismatic ministers today. Though they pray for individuals to receive the Fire of the Holy Ghost they describe the purpose of this experience as one that causes the believer to become more fervent in their faith. That is, they equate this fiery experience to a renewed passion for Christ, for improved soul winning, for a deeper and more fervent prayer life. Many of these ministers have merely defined the Baptism of Fire with a secular definition associated with the phrase “a burning passion.” The problem with this anemic, co-opted, secular definition is that it hardly mirrors the authority associated with Moses and Elijah described in Revelation 11. Here we read of witnesses who are already baptized with the Holy Ghost and have already received “dunamis” or power described in Acts 1:8, 2:38 and 39. In Revelation 11, two witnesses receive the double portion: “exousia” or authority known to us as the Baptism of Fire. You and I are one of the witnesses and Christ in us is the second. Recall that Jesus said “I am one that bear witness of myself and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me” (Jn 8:18). And even as the ministries of Moses and Elijah were not simply a demonstration of a burning passion, neither is the individual baptized in the Fire of the Holy Ghost simply more enthusiastic. No doubt a burning passion existed with both Moses and Elijah, but their ministries encompassed far more. They were empowered with a divine authority that superseded the kingdoms of this world, the flesh and the devil. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost has been available for about 70 years to believers in large numbers. Christ is now pouring out on spirit-believers who desire more of Him this Baptism of Fire.

Please understand I am not opposed to a believer acquiring a burning passion for Jesus. Indeed, this may be a prelude to the promised fiery baptism. What I am simply sharing with you is that we are indeed at the end of the “Age of the Gentiles” and the Baptism of Fire is no longer just available to a few medieval saints. The Fire of the Holy Ghost is being poured out to all who ask, seek and knock. In Malachi 3:2-3 we read, “But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord and offering in righteousness.” He will indeed “do a quick work unto righteousness” (Rom 9:28). During the earth’s darkest hour, soon to be upon us, he will give authority to his two witnesses. I guarantee that you will see in the very near future many Christians who are walking in incredible authority. (Of course they will be accused of being false Christ’s.) Even now God is leading many a spirit filled believer to boldly declare many things in the name of Jesus.

When He first began to pour out His fire upon me I literally cried every time I heard His name or thought of Him. This occurred on a daily basis and it went on for over a year. At times I cried uncontrollably in public. Though I am not longer given to these uncontrollable outward expressions I continue to cry from my heart for Him day and night. I’m drawn to Him like never before. I now understand the words of Martin Luther King the day before his death: “I only want to do God’s will.” It seems that almost everyone in the world even knows we are entering into the end of the age. I am now constantly seeking fellowship with those “of like precious faith” (2Pet 1:1). It would be fine with me if I were to be raptured, but I would rather be Enraptured by Him, Possessed by Him: “That you might be filled with all the Fullness of God” (Eph 3:19). If He’s in me and I am in Him (Jn 17:23), “it matters not if I am abased or abound” (Ph 4:12). Pre, Mid or Post-Tribulation: “Thou my inheritance now and always.” I don’t plan to die and go live WITH Him. No! “I shall know as I am known” (1Cor 13:12). There is no “with” about it. Instead, it is Christ IN me (not with me) the hope if glory (Col 1:27). Keep the pearly gates. He is the pearl of great price I seek (Mt 13:45-46). Forget the streets of gold. He is the treasure in earthen vessels (2Cor 4:7). It’s not about me. It’s all about Jesus, the lover of my soul (Mt 16:26).

Yes I am ordained but I work in medicine. God made it clear to me that he did not want me involved in “church work.” He wanted me to be with the sick and the dying. There are some ministers who live a comfortable life and spend their time trying to impress people with how important they are as they work on sermons and public appearances. Ministers with similarities to those in the entertainment industry frequently gain the attention of news media. But I believe the true servant of God is one who is willing to go to go to places where ministers of religion often do not want to go; to deathbeds, to prisons, to speak to sinners and love them. This is what I believe Jesus did. This is why he was always thrown out of the synagogue.

Many are aware of the work that I have committed to for several decades. Although I work 6 to 7 days a week, I rejoice as the Lord has put me in a position to minister to those with great need. Basically, I provide counseling, comfort measures and medications for those who have been abused or neglected. Two days a week I travel some distance from my home and stay overnight in a large metropolitan area. Here I work in several clinics where I share the love of Christ with refugees who have been tortured or who have witnessed the slaughter of their families. Most are from the Middle East. I typically see about 30 people in a 12 to 15 hour day. Although my days are long the Lord is faithful to renew my strength. The Lord is also faithful to provide me with an opportunity to share the gospel and pray for many of those who have suffered beyond what is imaginable.

I also have a private practice where I see individuals who live within a 100 mile radius of my office. Many live at the poverty level and are individuals who have been sent to me for mental health treatment. Others are children who have been abused or neglected. A large number are also women who have been victims of domestic violence. Though I often prescribe medication to address their trauma, most are content to see me on a monthly basis because I take the time to listen to their concerns, share the gospel and pray for their healing or deliverance.

Finally, within the past year I have also been challenged in my private practice to open a new program where I treat individuals who are addicted to heroin. Medications such as Suboxone or Subutex are now available to prescribers. These medications can effectively interrupt the constant desire and cravings for heroin, which is now associated with the death of many young people throughout the United States. I am sure that many of you are aware that heroin addiction is considered an epidemic not only in this country but in countries throughout the world. At first I see these individuals alone or with their family members. However, in order to remain in treatment and received these medications those addicted are required to come to group therapy sessions held every Sunday night. Here, after sharing their tragic stories some have invited Christ into their lives and experienced the power of His healing and deliverance.

The time involved with my work is often overwhelming and exhausting and my busy schedule often takes me away from my family. I have a lovely wife of 40 years, four beautiful adult daughters and 8 wonderful grandchildren. Please know that I am not seeking financial support but I covet your prayers. Likewise I am holding you up in prayer that God will meet those specific needs in your life. Also know that you are loved by me in Christ our Lord. I pray His blessing and anointing rest upon you mightily and that you be used of him in a profound way that brings glory to his name.

I am also truly grateful that God has raised up a generation that is not deceived. This generation seeks to know Christ, to experience His presence (Ph 3:10) and fully comprehend His love (Ep 3:18). For the believer who asks, seeks and knocks (Mt 7:7), nothing less than His abiding presence will suffice. Only after we have tasted of Him (Ps 34:8) do we know this to be true. We worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (Jn 4:24). The doctrines of men are no longer sufficient. We study to show ourselves approved unto God (2Tm 2:15) and He leads and guides into all truth (Jn 16:13). We need that no man should teach us for we have an unction from the Holy One (1Jn 2:20,27).

What is equally exciting to me is that the waiting is almost over. In fact, have you noticed that when you pray now He answers immediately or at least much sooner than ever before? So then, we stand on the edge of Kingdom Living, where time will no longer be the deciding factor of truth. Eliminate from your thinking the axiom “time tells all.” Instead, Jesus tells all. He is the Truth. What we now wait for is that we might be filled with ALL the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19). He longs to fill us with Himself. I pray we are so moved to agree with His desire.

Be Thou My Vision Hymn – Acapella Arrangement
Patreon Page:https://www.patreon.com/SamTRobson A reworking of a beautiful hymn that I had done in 6 parts. Upon reworking it I found that 4 parts suited it…

The Glory of the Lord Revealed 4/30/15

“And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them: that they may be one, even as we are one” (Jn 17:22). This helps us understand the mystery, “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together” (Is 40:5), It is because “He shall come to be glorified in His saints” (2Th 1:10). Hence, a worldwide, simultaneous transfiguration of a righteous remnant could best be described “as lightening that shines from the east to the west” (Mt 24:27).

Unfortunately, even though some are “saved” or were once “filled with the Holy Ghost,” it is not likely that they will be a part of this transfiguration or manifestation. For we read (Mt 25:1-13) that there were 5 foolish virgins who did not have enough oil when the time of the bridegroom approached. The oil was needed to support a fire at the midnight hour. In fact the 5 wise virgins were unwilling to sell their oil to the 5 foolish virgins.

Believer, as this era or Day of the Gentiles draws to a close don’t be without the FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST. You cannot get this FIRE from other Spirit filled believers. Only Jesus can baptize you with the FIRE of the Holy Ghost..

Bow Valley Chorus performs And the Glory from Handel’s Messiah.

David’s Three Anointings – 4/14/15

I. The Anointing of Power

1. God Sees the Heart

In the Old Testament, we read how King Saul’s heart had grown callous and indifferent to the leading of the Spirit. (I Sam. 15:23) And so God instructed the Prophet Samuel to anoint one from the house of Jesse.  Having exhausted all of Jesse’s obvious sons as candidates, the prophet entreated the old man, “are here all thy children?” (I Sam. 16:11)

Jesse’s eyes dimmed with age then agreed that his youngest and smallest be fetched from the sheep pastures.  However, before anointing the unsuspecting shepherd boy with oil poured on his head, the Lord had advised the prophet, “Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.” (I Sam. 16:7)

Then one day the dynamic power of this anointing became evident to all of his fellow countrymen.  The Philistine army having laid assault to Israel, bid challenge to God’s finest as the giant, Goliath, strode from their ranks.

All Israel cowered in fear as their enslavement seemed imminent.  Who would accept the challenge?  None other than the anointed of the Lord. David, the shepherd boy, came forward and asked, “who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God.” (I Sam. 17:26)  Refusing the armour of King Saul, David met Goliath alone on the field of battle with only a sling.  Reaching down to a nearby brook, he gathered 5 smooth stones.  But the Bible records that only one stone lay embedded in the giants head.  Following a thunderous collapse, David ran over to Goliath, drew the giant’s sword and decapitated the menace.  The Philistines retreated in fear and David was heralded hero of all Israel.

2. David’s Select Stone

This same anointing received by David to slay Goliath can be likened to the outpouring of the Spirit in the experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, “Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” (Acts 1:8)  It is this infilling that enables the believer to figuratively “tread on serpents,” (Mk. 16:18) to acquire a worship in the Spirit that is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Cor. 10:4)  This power is dynamite against the forces of evil.  No wonder our prayer language is expanded to an incomprehensible dialogue with God resulting in the mighty working of His hand to save, heal and deliver.  Just as David fought the giant of the enemy so too is the believer equipped to do battle with the forces of evil.

David’s five smooth stones speak of the mighty force of the 5 fold ministry. These 5 fold ministries are mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 for we read that, “God hath given apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers.”  But reading on (Eph. 4:13) we notice that these ministries are given for a limited period of time; “till we all come to a perfect man.”  The goal is to come to a perfect man.  Though David chose 5 stones, it only took one to do the job.

Even in this hour God is raising up an army of believers who collectively are called the Body of Christ, A PERFECT MAN.  This is not to say we are not grateful for the working of these 5 fold ministries in our lives to edify, exhort and instruct.  Like David’s stones from the brook they were chosen by the Shepherd after being washed by the water of the word. (Eph. 5:26)

But God has not chosen these ministries to topple the Goliaths of the Earth. Instead these ministry gifts or offices have been established temporarily to nurture, guide and strengthen the children of God that they might come forth upon the Earth as the manifested Sons of God.  These have been chosen to rule and reign with Him.  These shall bruise Satan under foot. These shall be the manifest expression of God’s fullness.  They are unified and made ONE by the Spirit of the Living God, fully empowered with the mind of Christ.  This Body will lay waste the powers of darkness on the Earth as David’s selected stone brought the Philistine beast to the ground.

If you have received Christ, you too have received the power, the right, the authority to become the Son of God.  Your reception of Christ as Saviour is the call of God on your life to one day usher in a millennia of righteousness, peace and joy on the Earth with our Blessed Saviour.


1. Wandering in the Wilderness

One would naturally think that following this mighty demonstration of power, David would be instantly recognized as the anointed of the Lord and established as God’s chosen vessel of authority.  Not so!  Instead, the remainder of the book gives a detailed account of how King Saul, like a driven mad-man, hunted David down like an animal.  He chased him in the wilderness, on mountain tops, in caves and in towns.  Despite the fact that the Philistines had regrouped and re-attacked Israel, Saul disregarded these, the true enemies of his people and sought with all his might to kill David.

Likewise, we should not be surprised today when ministries go on the war path against Spirit filled believers.  As long as they keep quiet, warm a pew and pass the plate, they’re okay.  But let them heal the sick, prophesy or speak in tongues and “out the door they go.”  While the sheep are taught to view these charismatics as heretics and fanatics the devil continues to destroy with depravity, disease, despair and death.

These Spirit filled believers, called charismatics are labeled Cruise-o-matics as they fellowship like David, “from pillar to post.”  Yet for some this wandering in the wilderness without a church home is too wearisome.  And so they return to programs, preachers and familiar forms of fundamentalism.  Rather than worship God in Spirit and in Truth, they abandon their new experience and seek the comfort of church games and politics.

Even Saul’s daughter, Michal, David’s beloved wife, thought cave life too treacherous.  In her heart she must have reasoned that the life of an outcast would never lead to an anointing of authority.  And so it was, she deserted her husband’s side and stayed in her father’s court.

Likewise, Jonathan, Saul’s son, though he loved David and counted him his blood brother, would not go with him in the wilderness for his loyalties lie with the madness of his father, the King.  Instead, David’s only companions were cut-throats, vagabonds, thieves and undesirables by most standards.

In the natural, David was labeled a rebel, a pirate, an adulterer; someone so brazen that when he and his men were hungry, he stormed into the Holy Place of the Tabernacle and dared eat and distribute the shew bread reserved as an offering for the Lord.  But God looked not on the outward.

2. David’s Methods

Occasions were even given to David by the Lord’s design where he could have easily taken Saul’s life.  But as the young shepherd boy had refused the King’s armour to fight Goliath, so too did he refuse to usurp the throne of Israel by assassination.  Saul’s methods of fighting were useless to David. Instead he was anointed and empowered by the Spirit of the Lord to slay Goliath.  And if he were to reign as king, again it would be because of an anointing, and not by the methods used by his predecessor.

Unfortunately, all too often charismatics are enticed into positions of leadership using carnal or even natural methods to achieve that end.  How sad it is to see these spirit filled believers fitted into the armour of advertising and politics to fight the spiritual forces of darkness.  They call this battle “evangelism”…then when all is said and done, wonder why their goals are not achieved.

Even sadder still are the methods used by many a Spirit filled believer to obtain a position of leadership or authority.  Like their King Saul prototypes they ignore the Spirit’s ability to teach them “all truth” and recklessly purse a Bible College degree.  Upon completion and with a sense of accomplishment they field resumes and obtain interviews.  This is so they can be chosen to lead through natural selection.  But it is God’s desire to empower through a SUPERNATURAL ELECTION.

If you intend to walk in your calling and become that Son of God that rules and reigns with Him, you will in all probability find yourself like David, wandering in the wilderness somewhere with no place to call home.  In addition, like David you will probably be despised and rejected most by those who you identify as your family, brothers and sisters or friends.  It will not be unusual for you to be persecuted by church leaders and your only earthly comforters will be those who you would not otherwise seek company with.  Not a pleasant life for anyone and yet this is exactly where David found himself.  So too were Joseph, Moses, Elijah, the Apostle Paul and yes – Jesus.  All of these had extensive, intense wilderness experiences because their own brethren rejected them and wanted them dead!  But they, like David were all called and anointed with authority to fulfill God’s purpose.

3. Saul’s Suicide

But when David received news of Saul’s suicide, he didn’t jump at the opportunity and declare himself “Big Cheese.”  Instead he lamented, rent his clothing, cried in anguish and mourned almost inexhaustibly though his tormentor’s life was ended.  Why?  Because David took no pleasure seeing King Saul, God’s first anointed King of Israel, wasted.  He not only had accepted the wilderness as his lot in life, but had learned to rejoice and glory in his suffering.  But there was no glory in the death and suffering of Saul.  By learning to rejoice in tribulation God had truly created the heart of a servant in David.  He accepted both good and bad as from the hand of the Lord and knew that despite the circumstances, God was faithful to His promises.  By rejoicing in adversity, David’s heart was transformed such that the Lord commented of him that he had a heart after His own heart. (I Sam. 13:14)

Over and over David wrote in the Psalms, “His mercy (or love) endureth forever.”  By glorying in suffering David not only received true humility of soul, but could write experientially of God’s love.  It was this love that dominated his prayers for Saul, his king, his father-in-law, the once mighty man of God.  The Apostle Paul describes this type of love.  It, “suffers long, is kind, is not boastful nor puffed up.”  This love does not behave selfishly, is not easily provoked an does not think evil of others. (I Cor. 13)  Most important, David the praiser knew that love did not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoiced in the truth.  No wonder David could not rejoice in Saul’s death since it seemed a triumph of iniquity.  Likewise, David’s example of brokenness, sorrow and loss should speak to us about how we should view the current crumbling, criticism and collapse of charismatic ministries once blessed by God.

4. King of Judah

It was in the midst of David’s wilderness experiences he wrote, “I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”  Truly he had come to a place of “rest in the Lord” such that adverse circumstances no longer prevented him from praising God.  He even said, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” (Ps. 119:71) Likewise he had learned that “seizing a golden opportunity” was world’s apart from “God exalting in due season.” (I Pet. 5:16)

Later, after Saul’s death, David was called upon by his countrymen to help route the enemy armies of the Philistines out of Israel.  This accomplished, David received his second anointing.  It was an anointing of AUTHORITY where he was declared King of Judah. (2 Sam. 2:4)  And after all of David’s glorying in tribulations, does it really come to any surprise that the Lord would anoint and establish him King over Judah, also called the House of Praise.


1. King of Israel

Finally in II Samuel, chapters 4 and 5 we read about a strange set of circumstances that ushered David to his third anointing.  Again it was seemingly thrust upon him.  He was with this anointing made King of all Israel.  His authority was well established and uncontested.  Why would God design a third anointing when this young king was already walking in authority?  Because the purpose of this anointing went beyond seeing David on a bigger and better throne.  A servant’s heart had already been well worked into David and he knew his people would never be secure, safe or fulfilled unless his Master, the Lord God Jehovah ruled and reigned as King.

That was God’s original design.

And so David purposed in his heart to recover the ark of the covenant and bring it to Jerusalem where the temple was to be built.  The significance of the ark cannot be minimized.  Though only a few cubic feet, it contained the 10 Commandments etched by God’s own finger, a jar once containing manna that sustained the children of Israel in the wilderness centuries before, and Aaron’s rod that budded. (Heb. 9:4)  But most important, it contained the very presence of God Himself.  The brilliant SHEKINAH GLORY of the Lord emanated within the ark and at times could be seen between the two cherubims on top of the ark as a sign of God’s presence.  It was not an idol, a relic or a fancy piece of furniture.  It was the one place on Earth that God would fully inhabit and make His abode.  Just think, the God of the universe inside a wooden box covered with gold.  In fact the ark is a type and shadow of Christ Himself.

As the ark contained the 10 Commandments, (God’s written word), so too Christ is the Word made flesh to dwell among us. (Jn. 1:14)  Like the ark that contained Aaron’s rod that budded, (the scepter by which God’s people were governed), so too has all authority and dominion been given to Christ.  And as the ark contained a jar once holding manna, the bread from heaven, so too in Christ’s words we find the Bread of Heaven that nourishes unto Eternal Life.  Unparalleled glory would be revealed upon Him at His baptism, transfiguration and resurrection.  He, like the ark, would radiate with the shekinah glory of God’s presence.

Now the ark at the time of David’s reign was kept as Gibeah at the house of Abinadab.  Prior to this, the Philistines had captured the ark during the last days of Eli the priest.  But they returned it to Israel after only seven months for not only had their idol god Dagon been decapitated, but untold sickness, plagues, and deaths had visited the Philistine people.  And so with a huge cart pulled by oxen, David loaded up the ark so that all Israel might see and know the glory of the Lord again.

2. Big Wheels and Boards

But these noble plans were soon shattered.  No sooner did David begin his trek with the ark back to Jerusalem when fatality struck.  It appears that while en route, the ark began to sway.  Thinking it was going to topple, Uzzah, from the house of Abinadab, laid his hands on the ark and then immediately died.

Shock, horror, disbelief and fear filled David and his men.  Why would God strike dead a man trying to prevent the ark from falling?  He was only trying to help the “glory of the Lord” along.  How often we his people have resorted to natural means to foster and help what we think is God’s glory. But the splendor and majesty of His power, His authority, His shekinah glory is not going to return on a cart made of big wheels and boards.  How many revivals have started because some BIG WHEELS in the church organized some church BOARDS to get things ROLLING.  Oh they might have had a meeting alright, but was it really a work of the Holy Ghost?  Where is the FULLNESS of His POWER, His AUTHORITY, His GLORY?

The great move of God recorded in the Book of Acts started because God’s people came together for one purpose – to wait on Him.  To wait on His power, His in-filling, His presence.  The result was much more than the salvation of souls.  Re-read the Book of Acts.  The lame walk.  The blind see.  A man’s shadow heals multitudes.  Another man stoned and thrown to ferocious beasts, yet walks away.  Neither kings nor prisons hold them.  They literally turn the world upside down.  The gospel they preach is rumored everywhere.  Indescribable authority in both the natural and supernatural realm.  Yet the closer they came to death, the more they worshipped and acclaimed His name.  Why?  Because the glory of the Lord had returned to the Temple.  A temple not made with hands, but a temple that consisted of men and women like you and me.

These people tarried in Jerusalem for the promise of His power, His authority, His glory!  “And when they were all gathered in one place in one accord, suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire that sat upon each of them.” (Acts 2:1-3)  Not only did they speak in tongues (verse 4) and receive the power of the Holy Ghost, but the authority of God’s word was imparted in the sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind.  And if that wasn’t enough, His shekinah glory was seen upon them when cloven tongues like as fire sat upon them.

3. This Glory

  • This glory was the Light God created on the first day.
  • This was the glory that clothed Adam and Eve in the garden before the fall.
  • This was the glory that translated Enoch that he should not see death.
  • It was this glory that Moses watched from a burning bush in the wilderness when he was called to be his people’s deliverer.
  • This glory caught Elijah up to heaven in a chariot like as fire.
  • Elisha prayed his servant see the same glory as the chariots of fire that would release an imprisoned Israel from is Syrian enemies the next day.
  • This glory filled Solomon’s temple so that no one could enter it and all Israel heard the voice of God on that day like thunder.Ezekiel had a vision of this same glory like a fire enveloping inward. (Ez. 1:4)
  • The three Hebrew children were surrounded by this the glory of the fourth man such that they were not even scorched by a blazing furnace.
  • This glory shone out of darkness to shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night and a multitude of the heavenly host proclaimed the birth of the Messiah.
  • The fire that John the Baptist spoke of is that glory when he said, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and FIRE.” Furthermore, John’s prophecy was fulfilled to 120 disciples gathered in an upper room on the day of
  • Pentecost for they spoke in tongues and God’s glory, like a flame of fire, appeared above the head of each one.
  • This is the same glory that Jesus revealed to Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration.
  • This glory was seen on the face of Stephen by his earthly persecutors such that He had the appearance of an angel. While being stoned he also saw this glory, forgave his executioners, then fell fast asleep for he was unaffected by pain.
  • The wicked Saul of Tarsus who had Stephen stoned, saw this glory on the Road to Damascus. Thereafter he was transformed into the Apostle Paul.
  • The beloved Apostle John saw this glory on a woman (the church) ready to deliver a manchild (the Sons of God) for she was clothed with the Son.

No wonder David sought a return of the glory of the Lord.  The fulfillment of this third anointing went beyond his boyhood empowerment.  It went beyond an anointing of authority.  It signified the full presence of God in complete control, thus putting to rest his efforts, his labors, his tribulations. It made all the struggle worthwhile.

4. Futile First Attempt

But we are no different than David in his futile first attempt to usher in the glory.  How many times have we tried to harness God’s glory?  We like to point to all the healings, miracles, and the episodes of God’s divine intervention in our lives, then use this to substantiate our position as the anointed and chosen.  See how God used ME.  I must be THE ONE who God will use to show everyone.  God used ME to raise the dead, heal the sick and so on.  I must be right on.

But just as Uzzah was struck down, so too will every believer be stopped dead in his or her tracks when these attitudes are exposed to the GLORIOUS LIGHT of the presence of the Holy Ghost.  In fact the Lord will engineer whatever circumstances are necessary to prevent us from putting our hands, our selfish motives on His glory.  “My glory will I not give to another says the Lord.” (Isa. 42:8)  This glory was reserved for the temple alone.  Not for a man, a king, or a ministry, but the temple of the Lord.  This glory will be returned to His people, who are the temple of the Lord in His time and His way. (I Cor. 3:16)  You can jump up and down, scream and shout, wave banners and dance your merry little heart out, but that won’t make it happen.  David tried that trick for we read in I Chronicles 13:7-8 that David went with all Israel out to the “ark on the cart” singing and playing instruments with all their might.  It didn’t stop Uzzah from dying. (verses 9 and 10)

Apparently Uzzah thought he had the right and the authority to handle the ark.  He didn’t expect God to strike him dead.  He had grown up with the ark in his house; in the household of Abinadab.  It had resided there for years after the Philistines returned it.  The power of the ark had never interfered with his plans before.  So too, many spirit filled believers who boast of growing up in churches where God’s power for years has resided.  Perhaps they take for granted His power and have never actually witnessed His glory as Uzzah.  “No big deal for me, I grew up in Pentecost.”  Perhaps they expect the glory of the Lord to return because they have put in their time and sat under Pentecostal preaching for years.  God’s power has never interfered before with their plans to build ministries.

But God’s glory will only return with and to those who have the spiritual authority to receive it.  Their authority is based on two things: a divine WISDOM that understands why adversity is sent our way and a divine REVELATION that comprehends how God’s purposes unfold.  The glory will only return to those who have received the “Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation” and know full well the hope of their calling. (Eph. 1:17-19)  They know that the return of God’s glory is not to a man, movement or ministry but to God in His Temple, His People, His Body.

Although David’s heart was wise for he had learned in tribulation to “bless the Lord at all times,” he lacked the revelation as to how the ark was to return.  And so David returned to Jerusalem to gain this understanding.


1. The Ark Returned

It wasn’t until David prepared a new, separate, unveiled tabernacle for the ark (I Chron. 15:1); agreed to accompany the Levite priests who carried it on their shoulders (I Chron. 15:2); and made sacrifice of oxen after every sixth step of the priests (I Sam. 6:13); that the ark was actually returned to Jerusalem.  The house prepared speaks about God preparing a people fashioned into a “holy habitation” where God can be revealed.

Just as David, the king, accompanied the priests, these people now being prepared are called by the Apostle John: KINGS and PRIESTS, for their ministry is UNTO HIM.  They worship HIM in spirit and in truth.  They are called to witness unto HIM.  And just as God’s glory was unveiled for David and the priests on that day, so to shall God’s glory rest on the saints of God in this final hour.  Jesus even prayed, “the glory which thou gavest me I have given them,” (Jn. 17:22) for “He shall come to be glorified in His saints.” (I Thes. 1:10)  They are called to be glorified because the Spirit of Christ is in them: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27)

The Levites took only six steps then offered the blood sacrifice of a beast of burden.  They took no seventh step for this was reserved for the Lord Himself as He walked in them.  Even as the Lord rested on the seventh day, so too are we called to enter into His rest by the blood of the Lamb.  His rest is the glory of the Lord.  Entering into His rest means He now bears our burden.  All labor and struggle is ended so that Christ can fully possess us. No more steps forward.  Just an end to self.  Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live.  Yet not I, but Christ that liveth in me.” (Gal. 2:20) But how can we gain access to this rest, this glory?  By simple faith in the shed blood of Him who bears our burdens.

2. David and Michal

David accompanied the journey of the ark’s return to Jerusalem with praise, song and dance, wearing a robe and a linen vest usually worn by the High Priest.  A comparison of the same account in II Samuel and I Chronicles suggests that David apparently danced with all his might to the point that he disrobed himself and was covered only with this vest wrapped around his waist.  Although pleasing to the Lord, this act was not taken lightly by David’s wife, Michal.  In fact she despised him in her heart and accused him of uncovering himself shamelessly before the handmaidens.

The unfortunate result was that Michal was made barren from that point on.  By rights her offspring would have been heir to David’s throne as she was Saul’s daughter. But she had not submitted to the tribulation of a wilderness journey, and consequently did not have nor appreciate whole hearted praise and worship of the Lord.  In this therefore, was she judged and made barren.

In sharp contrast however, we see David of whom Nathan prophesied, “thy seed…..shall build a house for my name and I will establish his throne forever.  I will be his Father and he shall be my Son.” (I Sam. 7:12-14) David’s son and successor, Solomon did build the temple to house the ark and the glory of the Lord did fill that temple. (2 Chron. 7:1-5)  But the promise extended beyond David’s immediate progeny, for Christ Himself would be born of David’s lineage.

Matthew’s first verse calls Him the son of David.  He was born in Bethlehem, the city of David.  When he healed the sick and cast out devils, the crowd called Him the son of David. (Mat. 12:23)  Blind Bartimaeus was healed after he cried out to Jesus, the son of David. (Mat. 10:46-52)  In Revelation 22:16 he even declares himself to be the root and offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.

The barrenness of Michal and fruitfulness of David speaks to us of our choices today.  The apostle Paul wrote, “I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” (Gal. 4:19)  Just as Christ came from the root, an offspring of David in the natural, so too is the promise that Christ come forth in and through us spiritually.  Paul’s birthing of Christ is preceded by travail.  There will be no birth unless there is travail.  There must be a submission to God in adversity, in tribulation, in the wilderness experiences of life so that the fruit of the Spirit can be reproduced in us.  Jesus is the fruit of the Spirit.  The theology of escape-ism will always produce a barren soul that despises true praise and worship.  But a “contrite heart and a broken spirit” (Ps. 51:17) is the fertile ground upon which God will establish His throne forever.

3. Three Hills in Jerusalem

The ark’s re-entry into Jerusalem is marked with a strange perplexity.  It was not returned to the Levites’ tabernacle according to the commandment of Moses on Mount Moriah.

Now Jerusalem is geographically marked with three mountains.  The first is the lowest called Mount Ophel.  David built his palace on this broad based hill and the masses lived on its gentle slopes.  It speaks of a common order of dwelling.  We all share the same sinful nature.  Even the kings among us will some day die as a result of sin.

The second highest peak was called Mount Moriah where the tabernacle of Moses was set up.  It was here that Abraham was instructed to offer up his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice.  Though prevented by God himself, the like figure speaks to us of the sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus.  All of Jerusalem came to Moriah’s tabernacle to receive the forgiveness of sins and peach with God by the sacrifice of animals.  So too, our acceptance of Christ’s shed blood on Calvary, the sacrificial Lamb of God, cleanses us from sin and brings us into fellowship with Him.  But as glorious as this tabernacle was, it only provided the promise that the curse of death would be broken.  It did not provide the reality of an endless life in the here and now.  Our acceptance of Christ as Savior, like Moriah, affords us the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life.  But the promise is by faith, as yet unseen.

And so it was that David took the ark to the highest mountain in Jerusalem, Mount Zion.  From this pinnacle the glory of the Lord could be seen for miles around.  The ministry of Mount Moriah was surpassed by a higher order, a greater covenant.  The promise of an endless life had been given in covenant with one who predated Moses and his ancestor Abraham.  David took the ark to Mount Zion to re-establish the order of Melchizedek, the royal priest who walked in the power of an endless life. (Ps. 110:14)

4. Melchizedek

Now consider this man Melchizedek.  Abraham met him returning from battle and gave tithe unto him. (Gen. 14:18)  He was without father, without mother, having neither beginning of day nor end of life. (Heb. 7:3)  His walk with God had ushered him into timelessness.  He was called the King of Salem. (Heb. 7:2)  Salem means peace, hence he was the “King of Peace.”  His successor would therefore be called the “Prince of Peace” over Jeru-Salem, the city of peace.  But Melchizedek was much more than a king.  He is also called “Priest of the Most High God.”  No one before him had been king and priest.  The Levitical order of Moses and Abraham established on Mount Moriah produced no one who was both king and priest.  Kings were kings and priests were priests.  How could anyone govern people and yet truly minister to the Lord.  Not only minister to Him but be a high priest.  That means God’s closest confidant and friend is also established as king over God’s people.  The most reknown men of all history have laid claim to this; the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Ceasars of Rome, Emperors of China and Japan. Even individuals like Nebuchadnezzar, Napoleon or Khomeni claimed to be God’s man of power for the hour.  But they have all faded away with time, thus proving their claim counterfeit.  No one could be both unless they were sinless and immortal.  By setting the ark to rest on Mount Zion, David has once and for all enthroned the Lord Himself as both King and Priest over His people, after the order of Melchizedek.

5. A Light in Zion

The indescribable glory of the Lord was evidenced by all the nations on Earth in Mount Zion.  David describes this blessed event in a multitude of Psalms.

A few are listed below.

  • Great is the Lord….in the mountains of His holiness……The joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great king.  God is known in her palaces as a refuge….The kings were assembled, they passed by together……They saw it and so they marveled…….They were troubled and hasted away. (Ps. 48: 1-5)
  • Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shinned. (Ps. 50:2)
  • In Salem also is his tabernacle and his dwelling place in Zion…….thou art more glorious than the mountains. (Ps. 76:2 & 4)
  • The Lord shall send the rod of they strength out of Zion; rule thou in the midst of thine enemies……..Thou art forever after the order of Melchizedek. (Ps. 110:2 & 4)
  • The Lord hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen. (Ps. 98:2)
  • The Lord reigneth…….he sitteth between the cherubim……….the Lord is great in Zion. (Ps. 99:1 & 2)
  • When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in glory. (Ps. 102:16)
  • O Lord thou art great…….who coverest thyself with Light as with a garment. (Ps. 104:1 & 2)
  • The Lord reigneth, a fire goeth before Him and burneth up His enemies round about.  His lightning enlighteneth the world, the earth saw and trembled…….all the people see His glory.  Zion heard and was glad.  Light is sown for righteousness. (Ps. 97)

These and ALL 150 Psalms were written for and sung to the Lord God Jehovah as He ruled out of Zion.  The glory the Lord shinned out of Zion all 33 years David was king of Israel.  Likewise, Jesus was the expressed glory of God on earth for 33 years.  As David re-established the king-priest ministry, so too is Christ the King of Kings and a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. (Heb. 5:5 & 6)

V. The Glory Returns

1. The Tabernacle of David

After David’s death, his son Solomon reigned as king.  But Solomon built the Lord’s temple on Mount Moriah, removed the ark from Zion to his temple and strengthened the Levitical order.  Once again the glory of the Lord was veiled – out of sight.  The Lord no longer reigned supreme.  Succeeding generations began to stray from God’s purpose and plan.  Civil war left the nation divided into Judah and Israel again.  Worldly influences from other nations gradually and ultimately resulted in a corrupted people.  Untold kings and priests struggled to retain their power and it seemed each succeeding generation grew more wicked.  Finally a great king, Nebuchadnezzar from Babylon, took for himself captives of the best of these two nations.  The glory of the Lord had long since departed as this great king lay waste Jerusalem, burned the temple and destroyed the ark.

But throughout these times of judgment, God was not without a voice.  In every generation He raised up someone, a remnant whose loyalties lay exclusively to Him.  Their message was a cry to return to the God of David. Over and over they prophesied that God would return and rebuild the tabernacle of David and Mount Zion.  Elijah’s friend, Obadiah, prophesied during the wicked reign of Ahab and Jezebel:
“Saviors shall come upon Mount Zion to judge the Mount of Esau (Gentiles), and the kingdom shall be the Lords.” (Ob. 21 with I Kings 18:3)

Amos prophesied of the coming Babylonian captivity but ended:
“I will raise up again the fallen tabernacle of David……that they may possess the remnant of Edom (the descendants of Esau) and all the heathen which are called by my name saith the Lord that doeth this.” (Amos 9:11 & 12)

The tabernacle of David will be rebuilt.  Zion’s glory will possess, as Amos describes, those called by HIS NAME.  These are, of course, Christians for they bear the name of Christ Himself.  In fact these shall come forth as Saviors.

The prophet Zechariah returned from Babylon with a great company of Jews to rebuild the temple and believe for a return of glory of the tabernacle of David.  But Zechariah was given a vision and a strong word to share with his fellow laborers.  The Lord told him and showed him that He would rebuild the temple Himself.  “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” (Zech. 4:6)

Since that time there have been many captivities and many returns to rebuild the temple.  But no glory has or ever will return to a man made temple.  The glory shall posses the remnant and the heathen called by His name (as Amos said).  No wonder the Apostle James declared in Acts 15:16 that Amos’ prophesy was being fulfilled when the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Gentiles.  We are that temple of the Holy Ghost (I Cor. 3:16) in whom and upon whom the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. (Isa. 60:2)

God has called every blood-bought, born-again, Spirit filled believer to come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Eph. 4:13)  That you go in and out no more but be a pillar in the temple of your God. (Rev. 3:12) He has called and chosen you and I to be Kings and Priests unto Him. (Rev. 1:6)  He has chosen us to be the revealing of the Lord in our life time. (I Thes. 1:10)  “The Lord shall arise upon thee and His glory shall be seen upon thee.” (Isa. 60:1, 2)  In this, beloved, “the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.” (Isa. 40:5)

2. Eternal Life Now

Like Melchizedek, we are called to walk in resurrection life power, in the here and now; to enter into eternal life now, to receive everlasting life now; not just the promise, by faith, some day in the great by and by – but HERE and NOW.

Jesus said, “I AM the resurrection and the life…..he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” (Jn. 11:25)  He didn’t say only if you are dead, yet shall you live.  He said even though you might be one of the ones who die, you too can enter into resurrection life.  But it is clear that this promise of Resurrection Life, eternal life is for “he that believeth” and not just for “he that believeth yet is dead.”  In fact verse 26 states, “whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall NEVER die.”

Jesus walked in this Resurrection life.  Speaking of His life, He said, “I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it again.” (Jn. 10:18) No one killed, murdered or assassinated Jesus.  He laid his life down willingly.  His blood wasn’t spilled, it was shed!  His resurrection from the dead was proof that He had entered into “the power of an endless life” after the order of Melchizedek.  Even Paul walked in resurrection life for he says he was in deaths oft or died many times. (2 Cor. 11:23)  To the Philippians he even confessed that he was caught in indecision.  He said he wanted to go home to be with the Lord, he wanted to die.  But because they had need of him, of his mighty working as an apostle, he decided to stay for their sakes. If he was executed, stoned (2 Cor. 11:25), or thrown to ferocious beasts (I Cor. 15:22), he just got up after it was all over and went about his business preaching and teaching the Good News of the “Resurrection Life” in Christ.

No wonder He taught us to pray “thine is the Kingdom (authority), the Power and the Glory!”  These three anointings, the power, authority and glory are described in picture and allegory in the life of David.  They are revealed in the life of Jesus and they are manifest in you and I, the believers, the saints.  These three anointings are the fullness of God.  This is the “Rest” spoken by the writer of Hebrews.  He goes on, “there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” (Heb. 4:9)  For “We are come unto Mount Zion and unto the city of the Living God, the heavenly Jerusalem…..and to God, the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect.” (Heb. 12:22 & 23)  Thus we, “are built up (to) a spiritual house,…..in Zion, a chosen generation, a Royal Priesthood (kings and priests), a holy nation that we should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous Light!” (I Pet. 2:5-9)

3. Conclusion

God is calling forth a people in this hour to return to Zion.  The power, the authority and the glory of the Lord will be revealed in them, through them and upon them.  These shall walk in resurrection life, eternal life, in the here and now.  Like Jesus and Paul, they shall walk in timelessness for they shall inherit immortality in their life time.  The fire of God’s glory shall purge the dross of their sinful natures and they shall receive the divine nature.  This is the righteous remnant, the redeemed of the Lord, that shall return unto Zion.  These shall possess the fullness of God to be revealed at the end of this present age.  These are the Sons of God.  These are kings and priests to the Most High, a Royal Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek.

This is the Body of Christ, God’s expression on earth.  This Body is to come forth to be revealed in glory as the ark was when returned to Zion.  These shall rule the nations with a rod of iron.  These shall walk in oneness with God Himself.  He who “fills all in all” shall rule and reign supreme on the earth, for He shall rule in them and through them.

Beloved, you have been called to walk in this promise.  Press in to receive all that God has for you “that your joy may be full.”  The hour is short and this present day draws to a close.  “He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”  Seek Him for the abundance.  Seek Him for “Life Abundantly.” “He will do exceedingly above all that you ask or think.”  He is your portion, your inheritance, your life.  He is come to be glorified IN HIS SAINTS.

In Revelation 14, John records a multitude of 144,000.  These stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion.  They speak not their own words for their sound is the same as that of Jesus; “the voice of many waters.” (Rev. 1:15 & Rev. 14:2) Unlike the company of 144,000 recorded in Revelation 7 who were gathered from the twelve tribes of Israel, these are redeemed from the entire earth. (Rev. 14:3)

Many believe this to be a literal number.  But this is a spiritual book written for those with spiritual understanding.  The message throughout this book is, “To him that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

This 144,000 is a spiritual number for it describes those who have returned to Zion.  The number is understood as it is 12 x 12 x 1,000.  In the Bible, 12 has a dual meaning.  It speaks of authority for there were 12 tribes of Israel by which God’s people were governed.  Christ also chose 12 apostles.  The number 1,000 speaks of a dispensation when God’s divine power will be manifest throughout the earth.  Hence these 144,000 are the redeemed of the Lord who are crowned with the divine glory of Zion.  They walk in apostolic power and authority as they rule and reign with Him 1,000 years on the earth.  This is the manifestation of the Sons of God.  These are ONE with God!

God has called you to number among those in Zion on that day.  Open your heart and believe for ALL that He has prepared for you!

Therefore, the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head; they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away. (Isaiah 51:11)

The Dream – Heather Crandall 3/30/15

Heather, A dream:

Carelessly wandering a mountain top.  Humbly dressed and carrying a basket.  Making my way down the mountain side.  I come upon a deer who does not seem to move away as I draw near.  The dear is wounded.  As I get close I see unspeakable things.
I get on my knees and pray for her but it appears she is eating her own hoof and leg to sustain herself.  As I look at her entirely, her gut has been wrenched out and I realize her wounds (though unable to be mended) is the cause of her hunger. On all four with her- I sob, tears into the ground.

Brother Jerry, Interpretation:

It is a dream about the status of the reprobate church today.  There is no manna, no quail.  But they desire “strong meat that belongs to those of full age.”  And since there is none because they have not seen the hope of their calling, that is they are unaware that they are called to be conformed to the image of Christ, they become like cannibals, eating on their own members.  Gossiping, maligning, persecuting, they become gutless.  They have no inner strength.  Salvation preached to foreign nations is reduced to shoe boxes with gifts at Christmas time.  There is no “deer panting for water”, only the shell of what once could leap over hills and jump over walls, and now has developed a taste for blood, like vampires, or rodents that eat their young if no food is available.  

Peter and Jude write about them.  They know scriptures and their own doctrines but they do not know Him, otherwise they would seek to be filled, healed, and delivered.  They would seek to be broken by Him so as to be used in whatever capacity the Master has need of.  They would seek His Fire.  

There is a newly born and invincible remnant that leaves the barren church and goes into the wilderness and this Man-child Company is caught up to God and to His throne.  The beast, that was once a deer, is left to be trodden under foot for a time and times and half a time.  

Do not mourn endlessly for this beast but rejoice that God has called you to easily maneuver Mount Zion so that you can see the status of the Wilderness-Church and that you are not a part of it.  Though still dressed in sackcloth, that is not yet transfigured; and though you have a near empty basket, it is capable of feeding 5000 at a time.  

You cry for her not because of her wounds, but because of her lack of faith – a faith that enables you to have vision for the invisible.  Those tears that hit the ground are like the drops of blood that fell from His brow in Gethsemane.  And like Abel’s blood, it cries from the ground even after you have departed, making intercession for those who were without the heavenly vision.  You could not but help draw near because the love of the Father is in you to love all who name the name of Jesus.


Tribute to TL Osborn (1923-2013) – posted 3/22/2015

Osborn married Daisy Washburn Osborn at the age of 17, and shortly thereafter they set out on a life of ministry and missionary travel with a trip to India at the age of 21.

The Osborns first gained notice shortly after returning from India as evangelists on the Big Tent Revival circuit in the United States and Canada, where they preached to audiences often numbering over 10,000 in open-air meetings and under large tents in settings such as fair grounds and stadiums. Other young contemporary evangelists of the time such as Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, and A.A. Allen were also on the circuit. The Osborne’s emphasized the love and compassion of God, rather than the “fire and brimstone” commonly used by evangelists of the era, and used supernatural healing in their meetings.

By the early 1950s their emphasis began to shift more and more toward international missions. They began to hold large crusades in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, where crowds began to grow rapidly and at times exceeded 100,000. After Osborn’s crusades in Thailand in 1956 and Uganda in 1957, Pastor Fred Wantaate of Makerere Full Gospel Church said that “after that crusade in Mombasa, the fountain of the river of Pentecostalism spread in the heart of East Africa”.

Over the course of the next 5 decades the team traveled to more than 70 countries and reached millions of people. They created prolific quantities of missionary evangelism and training materials, some of which were translated into more than 80 languages.

After Daisy’s death in May 1995, Osborn continued to travel and conduct crusades around the world until his health began to decline in his mid-eighties. He died on February 14, 2013 at the age of 89.

Check out this video on YouTube:
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TL Osborn Playing Piano . Man, he’s very good at it. Surprised me..! This is a rare video! Enjoy..!