As a Christian I have engaged in a civilized debate with others on your site, but at times I was not always sure that I was talking to an atheist. Indeed, I speculate (actually feel convinced) that I have engaged with converts to a cultist Muslim group who were scoping people out for reasons that are not clear.
Nonetheless, it has also become obvious to me that it’s offensive to think that all Muslims are cultists. I work in a clinic in a major metropolitan city one day a week and I service not only inner city Americans but refugees from other countries who have suffered beyond what I believed humanly possible.
One Iraqi woman in particular was forced to witness the beheading of her 6 children ages 2-14 because they “weren’t the right kind of Muslim.”
I have also provided counseling and medication support to Kurds, Afghanis, and former prisoners at Guantanamo Bay who were held illegally.
I have counseled and treated US Marines who have returned from battle after they slaughtered dozens of teenage boys in Afghanistan.
I think of one man in particular who was a sharp shooter and had “51 confirmed kills.” He returned a hero with severe PTSD. His guilt was so overwhelming he was unable to live with his wife and sons upon reunion: he felt he was no longer deserving of a family. And what was worse, he was unable to receive treatment at a local VA hospital because he said many of his physicians were Pakistani and he couldn’t think of them as anything but the enemy.
After 40 years in the medical profession I am truly overwhelmed by what seems to me to be a dramatic increase in the suffering on this planet. And as a spirit filled believer I struggle attend church. In my opinion most are apostate, out of touch or reprobate.
At the same time I have never experienced the power of the risen Christ to the extent that I have witnessed in the last 2-3 years. I pray for patients if they allow me and have witnessed salvation, miracles and healings like never before.
I am not offended by people on this site who ridicule Christians and say that faith in Christ is ignorance. I don’t believe it is my job to convince people that Jesus is God. I believe the Holy Spirit will draw to himself whom He will.
But to me, the bigger question is who or what do you worship? In case some missed it, the new god sweeping this nation is heroin. Essentially, I think a debate regarding “Christianity vs Atheism” is an exercise in futility and not relevant.
If you are a Christian on this site I ask for your prayers and if possible, I encourage you to get out there and do something, anything to help the suffering. To quote MLK, “I only want to do God’s will.”
If you are not a believer I ask that if you are not already involved in helping to alleviate the suffering of humanity, consider getting involved as well if you are able. You may yet find Christ where you least expect Him.
Forgive me if I sound smug or arrogant. It is not my intention. God bless to all who read this.