I offer to pray for my patients many times. Sometimes I hear people say, “You can pray for me but it won’t do any good.” They explain, “I’ve got too much sin in my life… I’ve called out to Jesus before and He never helped me. I’m still suffering.” Often I hear “I just want to die. I want it to be all over.” Precious one, you’ve been listening to the father of lies. Satan wants you dead.
But Jesus says, “I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.” Jesus has not passed you by. He is but a breath away. Call on Him to save you. Ask him to forgive you for your sins. Humble yourself before him. He loves you with an everlasting love. He longs to embrace you, to encourage you, to give you the blessed assurance of your salvation. You are not forgotten. Even now he is pleading with you, “Come unto me.” And I promise you, he will give you rest. But not just rest in the midst of your trouble, but a life of victory, abundant life, joy unspeakable and full of glory.
When there is so much despair and no reason to go on what have you got to lose? You only stand to benefit. Are you racked with pain? Does your family reject you? Do you have a criminal history or a bad reputation? Then come to Jesus. He has come to seek and save that which is lost. Run to him. He’s waiting with open arms. Only Jesus can fill the longing of your empty soul. Do it today. Just surrender it all.
Give all your burdens to Jesus. Commit the rest of your life to him. Say it right out loud. “Jesus, I give the rest of my life to you, I will live for you and serve you from now on. I turned my back on all the wickedness this world has to offer. Come into my life. Do not pass me by. I accept you as Lord and Savior.” If you prayed that prayer God bless you. I love you, but more importantly, Jesus loves you so much so that he died for YOU so that you might have eternal life. Write me back and let me know if you made this decision today or even in the past.
Again, be blessed in Jesus name.