Shoaib Khokhar asks:
“? Question to my Facebook nation. I know Jesus love us. But why does he love us Much? Just because he created us? Not that that’s not reason enough all on its won.”
The Bible tells us that God is love. We were in Him and with Him before the foundation of the earth. We could not comprehend Him who is Love. And so we descended to this time-space dimension we call earth with all it’s limitations and struggles.
Ultimately each of us will be forced to accept our miserable estate and death will have it’s way. But to demonstrate just how much love He truly is, God came to humanity in the form of a human (a state in which He pre-existed) and defeated death itself. By believing in this Jesus, who is in truth God, (for in Him dwelt the fullness of the godhead bodily) and accepting His work on a cruel cross, by repenting of one’s sinfulness and committing one’s life to Him, a lost sinner can be saved and inherit Eternal Life. Hence we are Re-deemed or brought back to our former glorious estate by Him who purchased our salvation by His own precious blood.
And not only did He conquer death but He went to hell where I was supposed to go because of my sin. He actually took my punishment. This is the story of the Prodigal Son. We all are prodigal sons. You see my friend, love can never truly be fully understood unless it is lost with no hope of ever getting it back, but regained against all hope. Hence we are REDEEMED! Then love is finally and at long last understood.
Indeed, God is understood in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Why is that necessary. So that we can enter into Oneness with Him. So that we can inherit all things. So that we will know Him as well as He knows us. So that we will be “filled with ALL the fullness of God.” Oneness with God is the fellowship He desires (see John 17). And even a partial understanding of this love is enough to transform the vilest sinner into saint. In this GREAT SALVATION we go from a prodigal son to a Son of God. Yes, indeed, He is the FIRST BORN among MANY brethren. HALLELUJAH.